This was designed last year after hearing so many complaints from other artists and image sources whose images and even completed artworks were used without permission or used in ways that were not intended. Several of us kind of started a grassroots campaign to remind everyone that when you use images without clear permission it hurts everyone. I hear over and over again from flickr members who offer images free to use in personal art work only to discover their generosity has been exploited and people are reselling their images without permission. And, even worse when complete works of art have been used without permission either in whole or part. If we overlook or ignore the abuse of the rights of those that give and sell us images to use, the images may no longer be offered to anyone. That's how it hurts everyone. Image sellers give up and quit selling, free-to-use sources quit sharing. And, to be candid, it really ticks off a lot of the creating community when a few bad apples ruin the pie for the rest of us that respect our sources and get permission. And, word gets around when it happens so protect your own reputation and be sure you get proper and clear permission to use images from other sources.
Feel free to share this bumper sticker on your blog or website. You have permission to use it for the purposes of sharing this proper use message but not sell it or claim as your own. You can find other free-to-use badges at the Stop Art Piracy Campaign Project on flickr.

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 7/21/09
You MAY copy this image for the sole purpose of displaying on your blog or website IF it is linked back to this flickr group You may NOT use any piece of this image for your own artwork or any other publication or reproduction.
Image credits - legs are from my own vintage postcard, face is from, arms from, body and crown made from pieces from, Sande Krieger, and flickr's 'Playingwithbrushes', and wings from Dover clipart. All were digitally altered, reprinted, hand trimmed and hand colored and attached to a background made from flickr's 'Playingwithbrushes'.
On another note . . .
Feeling much better! Not 100% but feeling better. 3 weeks in bed gives one a lot of time to think. I have a lot of exciting projects going and can't wait to get them all going and share with you. Biggest news and first project . . . finally figured out how I want to do collage sheets and am working on getting them in Etsy. Watch for that in the next few days!
Before I go . . .
Here's some place I go for inspiration . . . makes my heart jump with excitement.
Corinne Geertsen