We've had some health issues going on with my 17 year old daughter that had me way, way, way sidetracked for the last couple of weeks. Mono for one thing but more than that going on . . . prayers are appreciated but I think we are getting things lined out finally. She had some pretty bad infections going on in her body but she is getting better.
So, meanwhile . . . I did get a few things done, slow as molasses, but finally done. Here's my latest collage work . . . one of my new favorites. I'm not selling prints for awhile on Etsy, not until life settles down and I can commit to regular trips to the post office. Maybe next week. This piece is inspired by my real live chats with my neighbor Cindy.
The Neighbors

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 4/12/2011. All rights reserved.
Digital Collage. Image credits: building walls and roofs from Crowabout Studio B at Deviantscrap.com; fence from Finecrafted Designs at Deviantscrap.com; windows, faces, bodies, grass, sky, words from my own collage images.
New collage sheets done and more to come this week!
(click on the picture below to go to Etsy)

Have a great week everyone!