copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 10/30/2011. All rights reserved.
Animation. Image credits: Tumble Fish Studio kits including Male Persuasion, Happy Place, Freestyle, Get Freaky and a new kit yet to be released.
Now with more important business . . .

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 10/30/2011. All rights reserved.
Digital collage. Image credits include: Tumble Fish Studio kits including Odd Magic, Pumpkin Patch, Etcetera, and Slightly Sinister.
We have a prize winner!
Thank you all for your wonderful comments and for playing along. The person randomly drawn to win the $10 coupon to my shoppe at DeviantScrap.com is . . .
Rebecca Trevino of Obtainium Art

Rebecca, email me and I will send you your coupon and let you in on a little secret that makes this coupon so special. I numbered the comments in order and then used the Random Number Generator. The rest of you will have to wait another day or two to find out what HUMUNGOUS thing is coming later this week! And, I'll show you one more way you could win a $10 coupon!
Flying Free . . .
The theme at DeviantScrap in November is Flying Free, as in freestyle work and any other interpretation you're inspired to imagine. For me it means a surrender to the Muses, an aspiration to take to the wind and enjoy what you find when you land. Pooh on preconceived notions, dare to be off-beat, delight in nonsense, and embrace whimsy!
This is the fist of two Freestyle kits I'll be releasing in November. The previews below are linked to their spots in the shoppe.

Freestyle (jpg version)


copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 10/23/2011. All rights reserved.
Digital Collage. Image credits: All from my own private stash and Tumble Fish Studio image kits including Freestyle and My Picks.
Artist Trading Card - Catch Me if You Can

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 10/12/2011. All rights reserved.
Digital ATC. Image credits: All from my own private stash and Tumble Fish Studio image kits including Freestyle, Divas, and Winged Splendor.
My new fascination . . .
. . . animated GIFs and short videos. You saw my first animated creation at the top. I can't wait to learn more about this! I borrowed these from Juxtapoz: