Here's just a bit of art I've managed to make lately . . .
Portrait of Somebody's Somebody

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 4/5/2010. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, download, print or use without permission.
This is a small 5 x 7 collage using a lady from, wings from, and scrolls from Fidlette Designs. The lady was hand colored. All other elements are from Holliewood Studios and used with a commercial license. Kits used were Old School, Love and War, and What's Up Tiger Lilly. All pieces were reprinted and hand trimmed with scissors, edged with ink and highlighted with pastel.
Fairy of the Nite, Strictly Business

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/24/10. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, download, print or use this image in any way without permission.
This is a large 8 x 10 mixed media collage using a face from and body from Graby Braun of gaby The wings are from All other elements are from the The Thing Finder Kit from Holliewood Studios. These 30 plus pieces were reprinted, hand cut with scissors, and recolored by hand before attaching to the background.
I get the best mail! Here's a skinny from my pal Lorraine of Creative Daily blog. You'll see that not only did she send me this scrumptious fabric skinny, but an equally lovely fabric envelope that wrapped it. And, she sent me fabric pieces too as I had told her that I am going to try some fabric pieces soon. Oh, I have been so late in posting this, but I have delighted in having it on my desk to see and feel everyday.

And I got a lovely bookmark from my guardian angel, Roc of What's Up Roc blog. She has just about the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met and her art always tickles my soul. She is one of my most favorite people in the world so every piece I manage to weasel out of her is very special to me.

For a lovely blog post that will make you take pause, visit my friend Trudi at Two Dresses Studio. Here's the link . . .
Have a great week everyone!

Oh wow Marsha your work rock.
Absolutely special and really unique. Brilliant work.
Glad to see your art! These pieces are great Marsha! Lovely gifts too:)
I just love when you post your art!!
Fantabulous pieces, Miss Marsha ! You definitely are back !
Congrats on the sweet gifties - so full of care and alos so well deserved.
Big love to you !
Helloooooo, my dear Miss Marsha... can't wait to hear/see what you're up to. Life is crazy busy around here, and right now Miss Harper is demanding (at 8:30 AM, mind you), "Mama, bedtimmmmme! Mama, bedtimmmmmme!" Don't I wish! :) Hugs and Love, Shelly
Haalllloooo Marsha! I see you there, working like a little bee on those fabulous collages! And you are just getting SPOILED from your friends. LOL! Well deserved, my dear. xox Pam
I'm so pleased you like your skinny Marsha! Can hardly wait to see what you do with fabric. Looks as if you have been very BUSY as usual. Love these pieces.
Beautiful work, Marsha!! I love the mix of patterns on "Somebody's Somebody." Very cool.
Glad to hear from you and to see some wonderful work. Can't imagine how great fabric collage would be coming from you--- I'll just have to wait. Take care.
Found your blog and love your art! Thanks for sharing!
Hey marsha! The new pieces are great. Hope you had a good Easter. Ball season is starting for my kids & it severly cuts into my art time...we need to trade again soon! xoxo Tracey
Stunning work Marsha
Awesome new art pieces Marsha! you always inspire me!
Marsha I wish my mind worked in the same frame yours does! you always create the most fabulous things!
Sending you friendship thoughts and big Hugs!
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