May 7, 2010

Sneak Peek

I have a new digital Element Pack coming out at DeviantScrap on Monday - Angels. Here are a couple of quick digi pieces I made for samples.

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 5/7/2010. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, download, print, or use this image in any way without permission.
All pieces except words from my Angels Element Pack at

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 5/7/2010. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, download, print, or use this image in any way without permission.
All pieces except words and brushes from my Angels Element Pack at

I am learning so much digital stuff my head is spinning - actually making digi art is still a huge challenge for me though. I find it hard to get depth and quirky-ness like I do in hand cut work, but I like practicing and trying things and the immediacy of digi work. It's like making a virtual dream house, click a button and you add a story or hot tub or new kitchen counters! It is quite addicting to play with. But it's so much harder than I thought it would be.

A word about png images and the new trend in collage images . . . you will find my image packs at DeviantScrap and now a growing number of other image vendors is to use png files. Png files have a transparent background so they can be used by either digital or hand cut collage artists. I'm finding that many old school hand cut collage artists don't know how to use png images so I am strongly considering offering image collections in jpg collage sheets as well. I'll keep you posted on that. However, wanted you to know that you can "build your own" collage sheets by placing all the png files you want on any type of working desktop you have. I still use Microsoft Publisher, as I did from the beginning with jpg images, to build my own sheets so I don't have to print out a bunch of stuff I don't want. You can place png files in your workspace just like any other individual image. If you're wanting to try digital, I've been finding PhotoShop Elements 7 as low as $35 right now. PSE 8 is out and the price on 7 has really dropped. It's all I have, I don't have the full big Creative Suite addition of PhotoShop yet. If you do take the leap, Deviant Scrap has lots of tutorials on how to do things in PhotoShop and there are thousand of tutorials on the web.

I am still buried in work trying to get up to speed on everything at the shoppe and the other projects on my plate. This concerns me greatly - I hate always feeling behind. It is like nails on a chalkboard uncomfortable for me. While I am loving making these digital packs, I am questioning how long I can keep up the pace for the business end of it. I had no idea how much work was involved when I started this endeavor. This blog has always been about my journey and it's always been honest and well, that's what I'm feeling at the moment - overwhelmed. You never know how hard it is to do something until you try it. But I also know that you learn a lot from those experiences.


Sandy said...

Wow Marsah you´ve made two dreams. So wonderful and delightful. Love your wonderful art.

Sueann said...

I know how uncomfortable it is to feel overwhelmed. I hope things settle down for you soon. Your images are fabulous.

Janet Ghio said...

I love Holy Mackeral--it's just great!!

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

Your artwork is always special Marsha! and now you're doing digital too = Wowee!
I admire digital art so much, but found out I have not enough patience to learn it.
Holy Mackerel really puts a big smile on my face!

Leslie said...

Beautiful work, just beautiful. It makes me happy to look at it!! I also am very interested in reading about the nuts and bolts of your digi collages. I'm trying to learn Photoshop Elements 7...and trying and trying...

yoborobo said...

Go Marsha! Of course you are tired and overwhelmed - you are in the middle of a creative frenzy!! Enjoy the ride - xoxox Pam

glitterBugStudios said...

Well marsha I know you have been feeling overwhelmed & overworked. I feel bad about all the help you have had to stop & give me along the way. I want you to know how much I appreciate all that you have done. I hope it gets easier for you. it should be at least semi-fun! Tracey

susi said...

holy mackeral! you've been busy! can't wait to see!

NancyB said...

I so understand! You know I do....You took a big step and just look at the lovely things you are creating now! Don't stress it hun...after awhile things will slow down and it will all be second nature! Big hugs! xoxo

VS said...

OMG..these are awesome friend, I want them, so cute!
I hope you have a GLORIOUS Mother's Day Friend!!!

gaby braun said...

Your handmade collages were so beautiful, I couldn't understand why you don't use them on your collage sheets. On the other hand, PS it's a new way to make things, but hard, you have so many possibilities and it's impossible to try all of them.
Because of that I'm doing simple, pencil drawings.
I'm over with digital work.

Andrea said...

Love these! I use Photoshop 7 and I think you are doing an amazing job!

Jamie said...

So proud of you Sweetie!! You will fall into a rhythm. Promise:) Love, Jamie

DMG said...

Ah Ha!!! I finally figured out how to comment here! (very pleased with myself) I can't see your text for some reason. It's just black where I know you posted something, but I love your new collages, especially "Holy Mackerel," of course.

Mollye said...

Hi Marsha, You have such a talent for using color. Come enter my giveaway! XXMollye

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Marsha ~
I cannot wait to get my hands on them! You inspire me so much! I am trying to teach myself digital art and it is so difficult for me. Can you recommend any good classes? (I bought S. Tuttle's new book)
Blessings ~ k

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Marsha ~ back to say that I visited DS and that answers a lot of my questions ~ very cool place!

Linda M. Cain said...

I LOVE HOly Mackerel!!!!! The colors are fabulous, and the expression on the little gal is to die for....great job, Marsha!!!

Your Friend in ART,