I have decided to leave DeviantScrap. It was a hard decision and one that will take me awhile to recover from, I'm sure. But in the end, it boiled down to not having the flexibility I missed in having my own little single owner business. I have said that I felt like a small town girl in a big city market and I was just not good at managing it or dealing with its ups and downs and quirks and issues. I kind of stunk at it actually.
So, I am going to take a bit of time to regroup. I have closed my Etsy to reorganize and fill up with new work. I am going to ease into just returning to my roots and visiting all of my blog friends and favorite flickrs and just make art for awhile. I will someday in the near future be offering my digital images through Etsy as I work on reformatting them to fit better over there.

oooo I'm sorry to hear this Marsha,I'm loving your kits,I hope all is well and everything works out just fine for you,at the end of the day you have to do what feels right for you,good luck and happy creating!!
best wishes
Jayne :-)
Oh, nooooo..... :(( I love your design and kits! Hugs and best wishes from RucolaDesigns.
Wow, hope the best for you but know what ever you do will be great because you are one terrific artist and person!!!
Marsha, I am so glad you are putting yourself first and taking care of you. It must have been a really hard decision, but you know what is right for you. I love your art so much and you too. Hang in there Baby! It's all good:) Love, Jamie
Wishing you all the best and more!!!!
I'd follow you any where!
Marsha - you have to do what is right for you. I am proud of you for having the strength to make that decision, and move on. Your adoring fans will follow you no matter where you go! :) xoxo!! Pam
I'm so glad you chose to follow your heART Marsha, I really am. I missed all your whimsy on your blog and on flickr - it will be so nice to see the real Tumble Fish tumbling again!!
And as Jamie said - its all good!
Marsha, Loved your kits, but understand. You have to come first! Looking forward to your new artwork and Etsy shop!
i support you my friend. i always loved your art and etsy store and will continue to do so. Marsha - you rock!
"If you build it, they will come..." Oops! Sorry, wrong place. Seriously, look at all your friends and supporters! They love you and will follow you wherever you go. xoxo Tracey
It is always scary to make such a big decision. Your support, everybody, means the world to me. Thank you!
I am also loving your sheets and kits and will follow you wherever you sell your stuff. :) Your stuff is great!
I will miss seeing your kits over there for sure but it'll simply just go back to the way it was for me. I will always be one of your faithful blog followers and will continue to relish your beautiful creative and fun works of art. And you can bet I will be there when your Etsy shoppe opens; teehee. In the meantime, let there be no pressure, allow yourself to reconnect with the artist within and just go back to enjoying your creative time. I too had to make a similar decision not long ago and though it felt bittersweet at the time, it has really afforded me the space to grow as an artist. You are brilliant at what you do Marsha! So glad to have you as an artsy acquaintance.
I'm so sorry you're not going to be a Deviant scrap - please don't wait too long before you offer your fabulous kits and designs again! Love your work, and respect your need to do what's right for YOU!
Wishing you wonderful things Marsha...I LOVE your work and look forward to seeing your new creations and shopping with you once more :)
Jenny x
I'm still so in shock about this! I, and I think lots of others, will miss you and your creations! But I can understand your decision and wish you all the best!
Hugs, Irene
Hang in there my friend. You are making a choice for the right reason.....You!!
I've never done anything like that before but honestly, I get it. I do. I love your kits so I hope that you will consider continuing those for sale in some way or other. You are so talented and your art, well, it's amazing. Follow your heart ma'am. It's the only way in or out of a situation. - Kathy
It is always good to know your limitations. And to do what makes you happy and content. So best wishes to you and the upcoming changes.
yesterday I wrote this on my FB page and I think it fits with the brave & scarey change you are making:
our time here is so limited that we need to learn to say no to anything that doesn't take us toward our goals, whether they're spiritual goals, family goals, career goals or whatever. and then even the goals have to be prioritized!
best of luck - can't wait to see where you go from here
good for you marsha, for honoring what works for your life...sometimes us women have a hard time with that...i applaud your decision to do what's best for you...can't wait to see what you do with your banner! cheers to you...
Wow, what can I say? I am completely surprised by this - you have worked so hard at deviant Scrap. Ah well, gotta do what is best for you, always look after no.1. But I must say, I have missed your regular blogging and your art, so welcome back! Kate x
I had to make a somewhat similar decision a while back - it was difficult to do, and I delayed too long which made it even harder - kudos to you for listening to your inner muse and taking timely action.
I love your gorgeous art and look forward to your posts.
Marsha,I have only just found you my dear and I just love what you do. You have been such a huge inspiration to me in the short time that I have known you and for that I am forever grateful. I'm afraid your stuck with me and I will follow wherever you go. I hope all is well and I am sure everything will work out just fine for you.I'll be there when your etsy is up and running again. Please keep in touch. Big Hugs to you Hun.
It's been said already by the ladies above me, but I want to say it again: it's very brave to put yourself first and the way you describe your feelings, I think this is a good decision! I've made ones like this in the past, and I know it hurts but in the end, you'll feel relieved and there will be freed energy that gives you a boost doing things YOU want to do.. I'm sure of that! Take time to re-order stuff and mind and you'll see... can't wait to see new art work coming!
Good luck with your next move Marsha. You'll have learned so much from your sojourn and it will feed into the way you move forward. I myself have spent the last six months doing something that pulled me away from the creative journey I was on and am I'm burnt out, desperately in need of a rest and feeling very "apart" from the community I had come to know and love. Stopping by here is part of the plan to put that last thing to rights, at least! Lots of love, Nettie x
above all, you need to be happy and have peace with what you do.
i hope we'll get to see more of you!
I think most of us get into this arty stuff because it gives us a release from the pressures of 'normal' life. When you feel under pressure to create, I think it kind of stifles your mojo, so I totally get your decision. I too will look forward to seeing more of you in blogland:)
I will love you here or there. Yes, I will love you anywhere!
(We've been reading A LOT of Dr. Seuss around here lately.)
Hugs to you, Miss Marsha. :) -Shelly
The phrase 'To thine own self be true' comes to mind. All will be well!
You know we are all behind you 100%! Looking forward eagerly to your return - take as much time as you need to nurture that precious creative soul of yours.
sometimes, big is wonderful, but smaller is better. not because you are not up to the BIG, but because the smaller enables you to really do those things that make your heart sing. so- little miss fish - i look forward to hearing some beautiful songs and music coming from your little heart soon. love to visit your blog and see your work and how you are doing!
I can totally relate friend & your style & art is so uniquely you...I couldn't really imagine you being a part of a big art forum.
You may know i have my little boutique here in Crestline, CA. A few years back I moved to the largest store on the street thinking it was such a great opportunity for growth. It just didn't work for me. I spent so much time trying to keep it filled the quality of my stock was suffering..it just wasn't me anymore. It was about size & filling the space, not about the soul & vision of me. I closed that store & waited for my orginal tiny shop to become available again...just being patient & knowing to would happen. I've now been back at my tiny location for a year & feel like I'm HOME! Sometimes & especially for me...tiny is better, it suits my soul!
I know you'll make this work better for you & there is alot to be said for being the 1.
Great Success for you, as if you need it...your genius girl!!! lol
Marsha it's easy to lose yourself when you're working so hard in a business. Sometimes smaller really is better! I'm looking foward to your Etsy shop as I went on Deviant Scrap to get your bathing beauties and beach notes kit and couldn't find you! I really need those kits as I'm having a bookmark workshop for a group of kids, hope your Etsy shop is up soon! Good luck with it, I'm sure it will be a smashing success as your collage sheets are wicked good!
I don't keep up with blogging as I used to, but I do occasionally check in with my pals, and will never forget one of my very 1st online friends. I'm pleased to see you're being true to YOU and taking time for YOU. Love ya much and look forward to what's to come.... ♥
Dear Heart ~
I am here and I will always be here and be your friend (and fan).
I only wish blessings on your every single little step! You are loved no matter what ~ Katie
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