Well, it's the best kind of busy, getting ready for Christmas. Though it is tough this year in many ways, my first without my parents, it is still cheering me up in many other ways and helping me remember lots of lovely Christmases with my family in years past.
Love is the Greatest Gift of All

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 12/17/10. All rights reserved.
Digital collage. Image credits: body from collageanonymous.etsy.com; hat from Finecrafted Designs at Deviantscrap.com; hearts from Holliewood Studios at Deviantscrap.com; sparkles from Nicole Young at DigitalScrapbookPlace.com; everything else is from my images at tumblefishstudio.etsy.com.
I am actually working on a hand cut piece in between everything else. I haven't made a hand cut piece in months and it is challenging to switch gears and think more gesturally than mechanically as I have been so engulfed in digital images. Hope to get it done and posted next week.
Johnny Depp dear, please don't read this. My excitement for today entailed getting my 40something face waxed. Not just my brows but my whole face! I don't trust my aging eyes to pluck all that might need to be plucked. It's hard to do with glasses on and hard to do without. Well, I had no idea how much your facial hair has to do with how you feel in your face. Not feel your face but feel WITH your face - if I touch it, it feels like someone else's face, kinda numb. It is the oddest feeling. I might risk the sasquatch look or as my hair grays, the Santa look my husband has become accustomed to and skip the whole face procedure next time. Might just keep the brows from taking over my forehead from now on. Oh well, the Christmas company will have a prettier less hairy but slightly numb face to greet this year. TMI? Well for that . . .
How about a Christmas prize drawing? I was thinking that would be a good way to celebrate all of my loyal and supportive friends and customers and what they have given ME this year. Don't post yet to enter the drawing, but be sure to watch this week for a collage sheet drawing and a print drawing in the next couple of days!
Until then, have a great and joyous weekend!