*Still slowly working on my blog appearance . . . excuse weirdness that may pop up occasionally.
More "Work" Done
I don't know what woke my muses up recently but I've gotten more work done in the last week than the last few months put together. (knocking on wood, throwing salt over my shoulder, turning around 3 times with my fingers in my ears, crossing toes)

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 2011. All rights reserved.
Digital journal page. Image credits: everything from my own images at DeviantScrap.com. Kits used include: Girly Whimsy, de Beaute, and Hats, Crowns and Wings.
Trapped Fairy

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 2011. All rights reserved.
Digital journal page. Image credits: everything from my own images, most at DeviantScrap.com. Kits used include: Girly Whimsy, Whimsy Frames, and Hats, Crowns and Wings.
Fairy Proper

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 2011. All rights reserved.
Digital journal page. Image credits: everything from my own images, most at DeviantScrap.com. Kits used include: Girly Whimsy, Dance-A-Thon (background), and Hats, Crowns and Wings.
Viola Won the Goldfish Pageant

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 2011. All rights reserved.
Digital journal page. Image credits: everything from my own images, most at DeviantScrap.com. Kits used include: Girly Whimsy, Whimsy Frames, and Hats, Crowns and Wings.
I'm Thrilled
You've seen this image before, but it's one of my favorites and I popped it in a frame for a kit preview.

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 2011. All rights reserved.
Digital journal page. Image credits: everything from my own images, most at DeviantScrap.com. Kits used include: Whimsy Frames, and Hats, Crowns and Wings.
In the Shoppe
So, I'm still re-releasing older image sets in sale priced and bundled kits at DeviantScrap. The previews below are all linked to my shoppe at DS if you're interested.
Girl Whimsy

Whimsy Frames

de Beaute

Hats, Crowns, and Wings

Banksy sighting
Way back in January I posted about the infamous graffiti artist, Banksy in a post called Another Miscellaneous Post found here. Well, I was so excited Friday night when my daughter spied this as we waited for our dinner reservation in South Pasadena. I finally got to see a Banksy in person. The quality isn't very good as it was getting dark and we used my daughter's cell phone.

His trademark signature . . .