I hinted at this a few weeks ago before I was ready to reveal more. But today, with page numbers and contract in my email, I think it's safe to announce that six of my art pieces will be featured in a new book by best selling author Martin Dawber along with the work of many other international artists. I am excited and honored beyond words. According to Amazon, "Martin Dawber is the Principal Lecturer in Fashion at the Liverpool John Moores University where he has taught for the last 25 years. He is also a practising designer and has had his work exhibited in France and Finland. He has a Masters Degree from the Royal College of Art, specializing in Fashion Design. Martin Dawber lives in Liverpool." I'll reveal more as it all comes to fruition, but wanted you all to be some of the first to know! And I want to thank the many image designers who gave me permission to use their images in my work and will be proud to include them in the captions for each work included in the book.
Small Me

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 12/8/2010. All rights reserved.
Image credits: Everything is mine except for "Le Petit Journal" and a portion of the background which come from cemerony.etsy.
I have lots of other art stuff to update and share but just need a day with enough hours in it to get it done - hope that happens this week, so come back by if you can toward the end of the week.
Personal News
Have had a lot to deal with with my daughter. It's a long story but our troubles included a brief but nerve flinching lymphoma scare and now we are left with just a bit of a mystery as to why she has been so sick for so many months. Part of it can be explained with a recent mono diagnosis coupled with a severe strep infection that seems to be stubbornly rooted in her liver. But it doesn't explain abnormal liver tests back in December or repeated illnesses back to October. We're still waiting on blood tests and answers but we feel we are finally on the road to recovery and so thankful "the big C" has been taken off the table. As we approach the end of her senior year, and all of the activities and deadlines that come with it, I feel my schedule and work habits may continue to be a bit hit and miss. But someday, I swear, someday I am going to feel like life slows down just long enough to feel caught up for at least one blog post!
Wowee Marsha, I'm so pleased that you will be published (but not at all surprised!) can't wait to see the book. Your art is so inspirational and im delighted for you that it wil be reaching a wider audience. And good news about your daughter - hope she really is on the mend now.
Congrats, Marsha!!! Well deserved! I'm thrilled and delighted for your success. Best of all, though, is hearing that the big "C" is no longer a threat. That's REALLY good news! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Congrats on being published and you can really celebrate it with the worry gone re: your daughter-thank goodness her health news is all ok. Your work is wonderful and you really do deserve this. Way to go.
Can't wait to get ahold of the book. Your work is just amazing. I am always so inspired. Thank you for helping me create with your creations!
Best of luck to you, and my thoughts are with your family.
Oh Marsha... the BIGGEST Congrats.... soooo happy for you... and very much deserved... wow, can't wait to see the book...
And so happy too that your daughter is on the mend... what a wonderful week :))
Jenny x
I am so sorry to hear that you daughter has been so ill for so long. Her senior year is supposed to be fun. I am glad it was not the big C.
Congratulations on making it into a book. I have loved your art work ever since I won the first OWOH piece from you. What was that? 4 years ago, I believe. Fun stuff. I will say a prayer for your daughter and family.
Oh Marsha!!! I came by to say hello to you and I see all this wonderful news!!!! I am so happy to see this for you on BOTH counts dear!!! wonderful news about your daughter, just in time for a breath of air so that you can enjoy the positive things coming your way. Big Congrats to you, and a wish for a speedy recovery for your daughter!
oxox Zinnia
Marsha...so thrilled to hear of all the good positive things happening for you!!! YAY Enjoy...you've worked hard.
May there also be continued good news for your daughter as well. Thoughts are with you ♥
Dear Marsha,
Congratulations!!! How very exciting for you!! Your work is so creative and it is only right that you should have some recognition for it!
Our thoughts are still with your daughter and we hope she is doing much better soon.
Take care and best of luck!
Yay, Marsha! WE knew you were a star all along. How thrilling this must be! Scary to think of what you've been going through with your daughter, though. Amazing isn't it how nothing rips your soul open and tramples your heart like the fear that something could happen to one of your children. Frightening. Glad to hear the good news. Take care! - Kathy
Such a time of highs and lows for you. I am glad you are turning the corner to recovery with your daughter! That is the most wonderful news. Congrats on being recognized for your work!!!!
i would say that you have wonderful news all the way around! that's great. i've been praying for you and your daughter. god bless you all!
Congrats!!! That is great news and well deserved!
And I am glad to hear your daughter is on the road to recovery. Whew on the Big C!!!
Congrats on the pub dear!!! And you just had a rollercoaster-bumpy ride in life - glad things start to look better.
Congratulations for all your hard work is paying off! :]
Even better news, to hear your daughter is on her way to feeling better, sending prayers your way! I know it is ruff to stay on top of things when your child is ill, so pat yourself on the back. You are doing what is the most important thing first "being a mother". Take care.
Congratulations to you Marsha - well deserved all around!
Marsha - first and foremost, I am sending all sorts of prayers and good wishes to your daughter. How scary for all of you! Take it easy, the blog ain't going nowhere. Secondly, WOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!! on the book. That is so cool! YAY! (doing a cartwheel!). Congrats to you! Now, go make a cup of tea and put your feet up for a few minutes. ;) xoxo Pam
If I could still manage a cartwheel, I'd cartwheel all the way to LA to give you a great big congratulatory hug Marsh! Put me on the notification list for People Who Want an Autographed Copy!!!
I'll add my congrats to all the rest, Marsha. Can't wait for the book! I love your "small me" piece! Don't we all have those days!
SO glad you've been able to rule out the big one... I'm sure you've also had her tested for auto-immune system disorders, though, having been through that, it can be a tough area when it comes to diagnoses!
Long overdue is more like me - away from blogland for over a month! Glad to see the world is still turning - ha. So pleased to read about your upcoming book appearance - wowee! - though I'm not surprised. I'll have to put it on my watch list!
Hey Marsha!
First, I'm so glad your daughter is on the road to recovery. Thank goodness things are going to be alright. Second, congrats on the book, that's very exciting and so well deserved. I know how you work long and hard on your digital creations.
Been trying to get over here forever to say... CONGRATULATIONS!! YIPPEE!! YAHOOOOOOOO!!!! So proud of you and crazy happy for you!!!! Such wonderful news! Can't wait to see!!
aw Marsha, I missed this - the good news and the bad! I hope things are getting better for your daughter. Mine is recovering from mono, but nothing as severe as what you're going through. All best wishes with that. Tough for senior year!
Wahoo on the book deal! I can't wait to buy it!!
Glad you are hanging in - I always admire your strength and determination to stay committed to your art in the face of trials! I know it's healthy - you're a good example.
Take care friend!
I'm sending loving, healing thoughts your way for your daughter. May all be well...
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