As luck would have it, the winner of this prize is new to my blog and new to Deviant Scrap . . . Chris T! Congratulations! (I had a wonderful time visiting your lovely blog this morning!) I will email you with your prize information.

How about more prizes?
There could never be too many prizes could there? Well there is still time to enter and play the Zetti Doll challenge at You can find all of the information here . . . and remember, you get a FREE mini kit to play with. In fact, there are several freebies in this month's issue of Deviant Scrap's The Muse here. But I digress, finish your Zetti doll by May 20th and you could win one of four prizes from Deviant Scrap designers.
Mother's Day giveaways! Tell me about your Mom!
You could win my next new kit free! It's not even in the works yet and it will be a couple of weeks before it's finished, but if you'd like to get my next new kit before it goes public, just comment this post with a note about your good ol' Mom! The kit may have nothing to do with Mothers by the way, but the winner will be randomly drawn early May 13th, so be sure to post a comment before midnight on May 12th.
You could win one of three $5 coupons to my shoppe at! Again, just post a comment here telling us something special about your Mom by midnight May 12th. Winners will be announced on Mother's Day!
Consolation prize
I have no new art work to show you. I've been busy regrouping around here the last few days. I can't not have an image of something in a post so here is the first of some free fishy pix I'll be sharing with you. Seems that holding fish used to be THE way to celebrate April Fool's Day. And yes, we're way beyond April 1st, but fish are always appropriate in my opinion. Maybe that's just me. Many of you know, I'm a stickler for copyright and protecting my images and personal artwork, but here's an image you may do with as you wish!
Enjoy a FREE fish image on me!

(click on the picture for a larger version, then right click and save)
Hello Dear Marsha!
Congratulations to your lucky winner and thank you for providing some more chances to win prizes!!
I love the French "Poisson d'Avril" card!!! I ordered some postcards from a dealer in France recently and she sent one as a freebie! I think they are pretty cute and silly! Thank you for this image!
And as for my Mommy, this will be her first Mother's Day in Heaven. I will miss giving her cards and little gifties, but I like to think she is with her mother again now and this will be their first Mother's Day together in almost 40 years, so I know she is happy! I hope there are lots of root beer floats up there for her as she loved them so much (and probably a nice bottle of Moxie for Grammie)!!
I hope yours is a sweet one with your children.
ONe of the most special things that I admire about my mom is her dedication to learning and education.When she was a young mother with 4 small children she wanted so much to be a nurse that she attended nursing school while maintaining a home & raising a family. Then as we got older and she became more invested in her career she then went back & took college courses in order to become a Nurse Practioneer. She had been encouraged by many of the Dr.'s she worked with to continue on to become a Dr. herself but she confided in me that she always liked the relationship she had with her patients as an NP.I was so proud of her and she set a wonderful example of a role model for all of us!
Congrats to your lovely winner Marsha... and thank you for sharing your fish pic... and I wouldn't be without my mum... I LOVE her to bits...
Jenny x
Congrats to the lucky winner!!
TY Marsha for the image I love it
wow..I have had no mojo and that pic is all I o man...
About my mom-well actually it's my step-mom. She is the best thing that has ever happened to my father. The day he met her he became 20 years younger. She is more than a real mom could ever be.
Love her so much.
Marsha! Thank you so much for the fish gal! My mom was not into being a mom. So I applaud the moms of friends, who taught me what a real mother daughter relationship is about, and I now share that with my daughter.
My mom is 84 years young.,.still mows her own lawn, rakes leaves and has a beautiful flowering garden. She is amazing!!
Hello Marsha, I am new to your site and am TOTALLY in love!! Thank you for your beautiful designs and for your sweet freebie! As for my mom, she to will be spending her first mothers day in heaven. We lost her in November totally unexpected. She was such an amazing woman and made her mark in history more than once! She came from a very poverished family however being the youngest of 3 southern girls growing up in alabama she vowed her children would not grow up the same! She held true to that promise. She married my dad and went back to school and graduated with honors. She worked her way to the top of the Government Civil service line and became the first woman to hold an executive position in an all male field. She always worked hard and was the wife of a Naval Aviation Officer who was away alot. She taught her children how to be strong, honest and cultured individuals and to live our dreams. She taught us so much and was such an inspiration. But, don't think for a moment she did not have struggles because she did and as age began playing it's part the struggle became harder. Little did she know how her struggle molded the life of her oldest daughter to become even stronger in her own health battle and how through strength and faith we can overcome. While this Mothers day will be very difficult, I know my mom will be standing right beside me reminding me to stand strong! Thank you for letting me share a little about her and Oh by the way not only will it be Mother's Day but I will be turning another year younger that day as well!!! LOL Happy BD to me!!! Blessings Dear!
My Mom was a strong women who instill in her children a desire to suceed which helped them throughout their lives.
Hi Marsha, I am a huge fan of yours. I'm happy to have an opportunity to share a little about my Mom. She died almost 3 years ago, just a few months before her 97th birthday. I was born when she was 38, the first of 4 children. Although she always said she "could not draw a straight line with a ruler" she raised 4 very artistic children. We are all creative and 3 of us have actually earned a living with our art. She supported and encouraged us throughout all her life. We miss her, especially around Mother's day.
Thanks for the fabulous "Poisson d'Avril" card. It is the best one I have seen.
This will also be the my first Mother's Day without my Mom. My Mom was always so supportive of her family, loving all of us unconditionally. During my early years of being a single Mom with two small children, she was my rock, the person I could talk to about anything and have her listen without judging. I miss our daily phone calls and can only hope she knows that every day I go to pick up the phone to call her and tell her about my day. She would be so proud of her her grandchildren and great-grandchildren who all show many of her amazing qualities!
Thanks for all your incredible work Marsha!
Comments closed for the drawing . . . will post the winners soon!
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