It's too complicated to share what this piece is really about but it's a thumbing my nose at how wrong people's assumptions of other people, assumptions of any kind really, can be. I know you won't see that in the work without knowing the details but this one is about being misunderstood. And this is a general observation about people and life . . . nothing specific. As the piece says "I am really okay" . . . that's what it's all about "proofing" ourselves to weather the harm of assumptions.

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 7/1/2012. All rights reserved.
Digital collage. Image credits: everything from Tumble Fish Studio kits including I'm with the Band (collaboration kit), Matched Set, Freestyle 2, Summer Junque 1, On the Grid, Nitty Gritty 2, and Random Favorites . . . all at
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late for a very important . . . . prize drawing!
I'm so sorry to be so behind. Had curve ball thrown at us with a family member in the hospital which has pulled everyone away from their normal "spots" and work. Haven't hardly been on my regular computer to get things done. But, I'm here now and finally able to finish up this prize drawing!
There were 20 comments/obsessions left on the prize drawing post. I numbered them in the order they appeared and used the Random Number Generator to find my winner. Lucky #13 this time . . . which belongs to Terry Garrett! Woohoo! I'll be contacting you with your prize information soon Terry!

Thank you all so much for playing and sharing with me!
Life is going to continue to be abnormally crazy the next week. Still have our loved one in the hospital in one place and my daughter is going in Tuesday for minor outpatient surgery with a miserable recovery expected. Will be home all next week but I don't expect to get much work done. Maybe I should rephrase . . . I don't expect to get much time to be on the computer with anything art or fun related, but we'll see. You never know.
love your piece...and i agree with you about assumptions..being misunderstood can really hurt..hope all has been straightened out...
sending "get wells" to your family member and an early on to your daughter!! a miserable recuperation...poor baby!..hope her recovery isn't as bad as expected!!
congrat's to your winner!
Thank you Ann! It wasn't necessarily about me, this piece, but it could be. It's really about life in general, people in general and things I've learned along the way. (will probably go adjust my post to clarify that . . . how ironic, huh? Maybe I make it too easy to misunderstand! LOL) All is well here!
I wish your family members a speedy recovery. Don't forget to take care of yourself also. :)
Hi Marsha! I love this piece!
This piece is just brilliant, fantastic, totally awesome, wow, what more can I say. Love it!!!
Hello Miss Marsha! Anyone who makes assumptions about you is truly misguided. You are such a multifaceted person. There are so many things going on in your mind, in your heart and you life and work I can't imagine anyone would even think they have you 'pegged'. You a a work of art and an inspiration to others! I love to come visit you and your site because Iknow that when I leave, I leave feeling great!
You express yourself so well and I enjoy reading your posts, thanks so much for sharing.
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