In the days between Christmas and New Year I always feel stuck, sort of. The big build up for Christmas is over and the late nights and power multi-tasking days that pulled it off, always seem to catch up to me. I feel like being a vegetable these days. And, of course, the holidays don't really feel over because New Year's is right there peeking around the corner, the kids are home from school, and there is still a festive shimmer about. There is a feeling of accomplishment, conquering and surviving the year before, and a bit of anxiety over what the new year will bring . . . hoping I can handle whatever it throws at me and at the same time hoping to squeeze every last drop of joy from each day the new calendar offers. I like to lay about and ponder, remember, dream, reflect, anticipate, plan, make wishes, make new commitments, and believe the best is yet to come. I feel quiet.
Update to this post - later in the day
I may be feeling melancholy with things just on my mind. Many of you know it has been a rough year with my dad. Just got word a few minutes ago he was admitted to the hospital today immediately after an ultrasound revealed the culprit for some pretty agonizing pain he's had the past few weeks. He is having gall bladder surgery tomorrow morning. He doesn't think it's serious enough for me to come but this will be his 4th surgery this year, poor man. The pain has been so bad they called 911 one night thinking it was his heart but the bypass and aorta repair he's had this year seem to have managed well. Just two weeks ago he had a defibrillator "installed" to keep his ticker ticking properly. He almost refused the surgery due to the pain he was having in his chest and back but not until today did the doctors confirm my suspicion that it was his gall bladder. It's enlarged, with thick walls and plugged with a stone. So, I always worry when surgery is involved but thankful this may finally get him on the road to feeling good again. Prayers very much appreciated! Now, back to the original post today . . .
Somerset Studio
I'm looking through books and magazines - refilling the inspiration tank and ready to start some new fresh work, wondering if it will actually turn out new and fresh. I am delighted to see so many friends in the pile of Somerset and Stampington magazines I bought myself to look through this week. I'm so proud to know you all! You're so talented and you inspire me so. I'll be blog visiting later this week and can't wait to see what's happening with all of you!

If I'm going to be honest, I have to admit, I'm a bit disappointed in my recent publication in the Jan. issue of Somerset - they changed my title and completely edited my work description to the point I don't hardly recognize it. Says "color copy and cut out collage faces" - I've never color copied in my life. These were black and white images that I reprinted and hand colored with ink and pastel. I never added "additional lines" and they left out all but one of my image credits. And, I don't think they were photographed true to life - seem a bit overexposed. Oh well, it is always a compliment to be published no matter the snafues. And, I should just shut up and enjoy it as I won't be published again for awhile. I haven't sent anything in since last summer.
Hope you all are having beautiful Holidays!

Oh Marsha, you do sound a bit sentimental. Yes, these days can do that... not for me tho. The last week of the year in Holland is "freakin' fantastic" for me every year, and this year even more with a musical blogparty going on and lots of participants on my blog.... I hope you have a lovely last days of the year and go into a new one with a big BANG!!! Love!
I so understand Marsha. The week between Christmas and New Year's is my least favorite, all the hoopla is over and I just want to clean and put my house back in order. New Year's Eve has never been a favorite, I don't enjoy all the parties, though I've gone and put on a smile, sometimes I choose to just stay in. It seems like such a contemplative time, loking back over the past year, and trying to see what a new year will bring. Sorry you weren't overly fond of your 'article'...I was pleased as punch to see it and say'I know her' (sort of, through blogging)!!!
Marsha I loved this entire post-the festive shimmer I had not thought of it that way but what a wonderful way to describe it. I know how you feel about being quiet yet so full of thoughts inside. I hope your Dad does well with surgery and that this is the last one for him for a while. love Lorrie
Firstly, I do hope your Dad's surgery goes well. And yes, this week is a sort of limbo. I want to take down the decorations and get on with the new year. Your disappointment with the magazine doesn't help. I don't like to wish away my life, but roll on 2010.
I feel exactly the same way! But you put it into words.
I've had a magazine take out the ribbons and remove charms so they could lay an accordian card flat!!! Geez!!! Don't even bother if you're going to take something apart...just forget it.
So I feel your pain, but know there is joy in that you were chosen to be published....
Forgedabotit! Life's too short!!!!
First of all, congrat's on the publication, I will make it a point to pick it up, but I haven't seen this issue out yet! I know how you feel with them altering things, it is a sensitive subject, but try to get past it, it is not worth the worry. Put all of that concern toward your dad. I hope all gets better for him Marsha and you and your family are in my prayers.
Marsha - I will keep your Dad in my prayers. And oddly, I love this week. I am happy the hoopla of Christmas is past (as much as I love it), and I love New Year's Eve, because I never go anywhere. I just sit home with whoever is here, and watch movies and chill. The pressure is off. And I am with you about reloading the creative bucket. I've been thumbing through magazines (Congrats on your publication! That is fabulous!) and looking at art on flickr. In general, just being a slug. Take care and take some time for Marsha! xoxo Pam
saying a little prayer for your Dad and hoping that all goes well.
And congrats! I picked up the mag yesterday and was quite tickled to see your cute artwork peeping up at me! I said, "I know her!". :D Congrats again.
yapping cat
Congrats nevertheless! I know what you mean about hardly recognizing your own description, but I always liked the way they took their photos. I´m sure I´ll like your project when I get the chance to see it, and everyone who knows you will be able to see the difference between your real technique and the given description. Don´t worry!
My sweet are in my thoughts and I will pray for you dad...he's sounds like a tough man, so I know he will get through this like a sure sounds like he has had a rough year. Stay strong!!! Well, I have a little something for I just need to get off my lazy butt and mail it to you...sounds like your in need of some "Happy Mail"...Keep us posted on your dad...Take Care, Carrie
We were gone all day yesterday, so I just got to read the post about your Dad, Marsha. Ohh, My! He's had a terribly tough year, but I hope the surgery's gone well and that he'll have a much healthier and happier 2010.
I, too, feel a hugs letdown after all of the Christmas "Ta-Dahs"! Matter of fact, it feels as though someone's sucked out my poor, tired brains! LOL!
It's soooo good to see you published again - congrats! And I hope to see more kudos awarded in 2010. You are an AMAZING artist and a wonderful friend! Happy, Happy 2010! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Hey Marsha !
Keeping you and your Dad in my prayers...
Feeling kind of like you - in the space in between and feeling like I want to be quiet.
Today is my wedding anniversary but we aren't really celebrating it other than with some smooches and cards to one another. Tomorrow a friend who is going through a rough time is coming down with her two boys to celebrate New Years with us - games and teen age fun should be great but that means house cleaning (again !) and food prep. and stuff...kind of looking forward to next Monday when the regular January schedule will begin - then it will be Kim Time I think !
Wisihng you and your gang and healthy, safe and cozy 2010 !
Hope Dad feels better soon sweetheart, and that the holidays bring you a reprieve from worry soon. Lot's of love and hugs your way, zinnia
I hear you on feeling like this week is sort of limbo ... it's hard not to feel somewhat restless. I hope your dad is doing better, and here's to a surgery-free 2010 - he's filled his quota!
Take care, Marsha. You are the best!
Happy New Year Sweetheart! xoxoxo Zinnia
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