My daughter and I like it when I include words in my pieces. My husband doesn't and the discussion over this piece left me empty as to what words to add. So, if you interpret this piece in a quote that I can later add to it, you will win the first signed full size Limited Edition print of the piece below when it's finished with your words included! I'll even mat it for you prior to mailing. (the original will be offered in my Etsy after it's finished). Just leave me a quote below and my family and I will choose the one we like the best, keeping in mind the concept of this piece. Hints: perspective, introspection, she is stepping off the path and away from the rest of the world. Leave your quote by Friday night!

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 12/15/09. All rights reserved. You may not copy, print, download or use this image in any way without my permission. Image credits will be given this weekend when the piece is finished.
Fabulous Mail from friends. . .
I have received some of the funnest mail lately. Some from swaps and some because there are just very thoughtful folks in our art world.
from my friend Renee (flickr's Nayski), this gorgeous postcard from a swap . . .

from my friend Mary (flickr's PaperScraps), this beautiful postcard from a swap . . .

from my friend Danny of FiDOart, this spectacular and oh so fun festive pendant . . .

and last but not least, from sweet Hanne of Limoglitter, this exquisite handmade card . . .

Thank you friends for so much magical mail! I love them all!
A little gift from me to you . . .
Here's a collage sheet for you that you may use in your art for resale. Please do not sell the images themselves singly or in a collage sheet or collage image collection. It is for your use only.
You can click on the sheet to get a larger version good enough to download and use.

The Journey to Tomorrow starts with one Step today.
Your so sweet, a freebie! Thank you! Hugs, Audrey
Hey, that snow is really a cool effect! And it's a beautiful piece! I'm really liking the "crazy quilt" borders.
Shoot all I can think of for a quote or saying is....I heard our song today and thought of you...What fun stuffs you have there! You have one happy mailbox! hee hee....Love the piece very much....and that freebie is awesome! I might have a go at it! ;O) Hope all is well with you and yours!! Many hugs and blessings to all! Love...Me
Wowie ! What beautiful stuff going on here, Marsha ! You sure did have a mail box filled with treasures and you definitely give as good as you get, Generous One !
My quote may be a little cheesy but what came to me was "She had learned to listen to the music of her own heart."
Thanks for the freebie.
I hope you are having a festive decking of the halls and all that fun stuff !
Big Love to you !
Ooooh, how fun !! How's about....
"perspective is often found with that first step off the beaten path."
BTW, I love, love, love your art in the newest Somerset Studio....simply delicious.
Merry Christmas to you and your family !!
Love all of your art mail, and thanks so much for the freebie. How generous of you, Marsha!
Leave it to you, my clever Friend, to come up with an ingenious idea for a giveaway! My quote's a little long. Feel free to use all of it or "in part":
It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts. ~K.T. Jong
Good to see you back in the studio! Holiday Hugs, Terri xoxo
Beautiful piece Marsha! :)
"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense . . and that would be alright with me."
First half of quote from Alice in Wonderland . . I added the second part.
Hi Marsha,
Here's my quote: 'Wandering between two worlds...'
Love your piece by the way, and Happy Christmas
Marsha it was so good to see you stopping by:) Life has been so busy I have scarcely had a moment to do any creating or visit my lovely friends.
I so miss seeing your lovely artwork and look at all of the lovely mail! Oh you are such a sweet soul and so deserving of it all!!!
As to the quote this comes to mind:
"Cherish whatever makes you unique in the world"
Your art is so wonderful... I'm such a fan! here's my quote..."Stepping off the beaten path"
So good to see your work back on my screen. Always find your posts inspiring.
I realize now after looking over some of the other comments, that you were looking for an already established quote but I was so inspired (as I always am looking at your fabulous creations)that I actually came up with something of my own. Looking at the piece, here is what came to my mind:
Those who abide constantly in their head
Will always, in unchartered territory, fear to tread
Those who live amidst the music of their heart
Will find that which they sought from the start.
It's a little lengthy, I know! ;)
Thanks for the great collage sheet!
I am an avid admirer of both your blog and work.
thanks for the great comments on my about this "follow your own creative intuitive path in life and let others follow behind you"
"I'm listening only to my heart" or "listen only to your heart", or "sometimes you must listen to your heart". Thats my quote for your collage, which is wonderful.
gorgeous sheet! thanks so much for sharing this with us.
Love the collage sheet; thank you Marsha!
My 'offering', such as it is:
"I found my heART off the beaten path..."
Thanks for the chance to offer a small part in your process!
Such a lovely post and more generosity from you dear Marsha!
Thank you for the freebie and for the chance to win.
Great pieces of art you shared!
My quote selection is a little on the long side, here goes:
"In our life there is a single color,as on an artist's palette,which provides the meaning of life and art.
It is the color of Love." Marc Chagall
Marsha - your new piece is amazing. And what does it mean that all I hear in my head is a high-pitched buzzing? I think it's the season, or I need a new battery, one or the other. I am going to think (after coffee) and see if I can come up with anything. :) Thank you for stopping by (twice!), it's so good to see you! Merry, merry! xoxo Pam
one person can make a difference, one thought at a time
love the piece seems like she is listening to good thoughts only...and the world will be a better place because of that!
thanks for sharing
Thanks so much for your comment and freebie Marsha!Its fabulous!
I saw the the girl on your collage looking down and I had to think right away on one my favotite quotes:
Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road.
seclusion can be comforting
Love the new piece marsha! Here is my saying: "Sometimes you have to turn your back to the world and listen to your own heart." or "Sometimes you have to turn your back to the rest of the world and listen to your own heart."
That's probably the hardest part for me - putting words to paper. The suggestions are really good! I thoroughly enjoy looking at your art - it's so imaginative and fun! I love how you put things together... I will be looking to see how you finish it! Happy holidays to you and your family!
She heard better when she closed her ears.
Love to you honey...
Hi Marsha, thanks for the lovely comments on my blog. I love your newest piece so here is my suggested quote of which you could choose some or all of it :
Never follow somebody else's path; it doesn't work the same way twice for anyone... the path follows you and rolls up behind you as you walk, forcing the next person to find their own way.
J Michael Straczynski
Thank you for the freebie collage sheet too.
Merry Christmas
great contest!
here is my quote:
loving ourselves without judgement takes us on a journey traveled by few
WOW! There are some great quotes here! I would hate to be the one to pick the winner! We'll here's my quote... "The Greatest Step You Can Take...Is Forward!!!"
And thanks for the wonderful freebie collage sheet! Can't wait to see the finished piece! Lots of hugs to my new dear friend" luv ya
Marsha, thank you so much for your kind words and your greetings!!! An honor for me, if you want to know! :O) Wish I could make the incredible kind of art you do!!! I'm absolutely your fan number 1!!! :O)
And thank you so much for the freebies!
What a fabulous collage again, do you no the words yet;o) Thanks for the freebie and great artwork from your friends! Have a Merry Christmas!
"Following your own heart will bring music to your ears."
Beautiful as always!
Marsha awesome collage sheet, thank your for being so kind.
Well here goes, my idea.
"Follow The Music In Yourt Heart And Dreams".
That is what she looks like to me she is floating away. She is amazing, love your art work big time.
#2,another idea Marsha. LOL
Listen To The Music of Soul
This is fun, thank you for sharing.
Hugs, Laura.
Now English is not my motherlanguage, but the first I could think of when I read your post about the quotes to go with your (MARVELOUS) piece of art was: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" and although it's not propriate for this piece, I couldn't get it out of my head... so here it is. Have fun tonight, choosing the right words!
Thanks Marsha for the great collage sheet - you are so sweet.
I love your new piece. To me she looks like she's daydreaming about maybe a first date or a first kiss or just that special someone in her life so I'm thinking "my daydreams turn to thoughts of you".
Happy Holidays to you & yours
What a fun page. Thanks so much.
My quote entry for perspective on your beautiful piece. I hope this is what you are looking for.
Beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.
"True Love: To leave your own path to join another's & leave the rest of the world behind."
I hope it is okay that I have posted a couple quotes. You did not say that we couldn't submit more than one. lol
This is fun, Marsha.
Hugs, Laura.
Ps. My daughter and I came up with this one together.
Introspective? Looks to me like what she will be wearing at the RED Party this year!
Have a wonderful Christmas.
PS It's going to be January 30th in Hollywood. I hope I get to meet you this year!
Thank you for stopping by my blog sweetie & I'm glad you're feeling well enough to play alittle! My quote for you would be, 'the road you choose follow doesn't always have to be yellow...
Happy Holiday Honey...
Oh wow thanks for this great sheet. So lovely from you. Thanks so much.
wonderful piece! my quote: listen to the rhythm of your heart.
''its not easy being the center of attracton''
Thanks for the freebies Marsha! Merry Christmas to you & yours!
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