While waiting for said new hard drive to arrive, I have done a bit of blog hopping, written a few thank you notes, gone bowling (of all things), spent some time with my very goodest friends (yeah, I know, not a word), cleaned house, did laundry and thought very hard about doing my taxes for several days and then actually did them.
More importantly (epic, actually, in my little life), I started an actual little journal since my computer and printer were not available. And little it is, a small mokeskin journal, 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches. My first journal since design class in college. But let me just say now, for the record, that I cannot currently journal. I lack the gene that allows oneself to journal. I think you have to be more expressive, more carefree, more impulsive, more gestural than I am. I am okay at collage, my little style of collage that is. Remember my background and training is in graphic design and typesetting. So very controlled, planned, neat and tidy lay-outs are my thing, my nature. This doesn't lend itself well to what is currently understood to be journaling. But I am taking baby steps to teach myself. I only allowed myself to use scraps so far - no printing stuff up to use. Must make what I already have in my scrap drawers work. And, I must hand write something every few pages.
pages 2 & 3 (I left these so you can click on them for a better view - I usually link pix back to my blog but thought I'd let it go this time - see? a little more carefree)

pages 4 & 5

Cover and inside cover aren't done yet. I'll post when they are and keep sharing this uncomfortable little experiment with you as it progresses.

Marsha your pages are realy facinating. Wonderful design and style. Your unique sytle. Love them.
Have a great Day.
I understand you r dilema Marsha - I can't even update my blog on a weekely basis let alone keep a journal! Yours is truly one of a kind, unique, stylized and and brilliant! Keep going my friend. it will be worth it!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehawwwww! Yeeedoggie! OMG! You can too so journal missy!! :O) Loving these pages! Keep it up girl! xoxo
Your journal pages are FABULOUS!
ps will your esty shop be open soon?
Wow! Your pages are fantastic! I just started taking a journaling class and feel even more inspired now after seeing your pages. Hope you will share more soon! Rhonda...
So sorry to hear about the computer crash. Thank God for knowledgeable sons! Love that tiny journal. Just remember - Wings hurt as they begin to grow! Hugs, Terri xoxo
I think that your journal is very expressive without you having to write a word .... it is a small thing of beauty.
The journal is beautiful! I love it!!!
Well Marsha - your sad little excuse for a journal kicks my journal's butt!
I am so inspired by your work. Your vibrant colors and designs make my day brighter. (I really do need to buy one of your pieces so I can see it every day!)Thanks for sharing.
your pages are beautiful! i'm not really an art journaler...i'm more of a sketchbooker...working on a graph paper pad with a pen, pencil or whatever is handy...this is my habit and it is hard to break...i really love your new blog topper too...glad to see you are back from the computer crash
I love finding my way in Journaling!
When I saw your pages #Swoon!
Amazing pages~ The great thing about journals is that you can create whatever your muse delights at the moment and in what ever style you choose! Words, No words, bits of paper, paint, found objects..... whatever! (No right or wrong)
Thanks for sharing your pages!
Small but perfectly formed, that journal! It reflects your style, and that's what it is all about. Keep going, you might find you get hooked...I love the idea of the challenge of just using scraps and not printing off new stuff, might have a go. Thanks for the comment on my blog as well!
Oh, Marsha - your journal is fabulous. It is so you! Mine would be blotches and scribbles, and messy pencil eraser marks, and strange skellys drawn in the gutter. LOL! Isn't it funny how we are so different as artists? I love it! That's what makes the world go 'round! xoxo Pam
Marsha, your journal pages are perfectly you! I smile every time I read you describe yourself as 'unable' to do something or wishing you were 'better'. It's relative I guess because I think every thing you attempt is top-notch. I'm in awe of your talent and covet your abilities and that is no joke.
I agree that it's hard to 'let go' and I think alot more of us have trouble with that than want to admit it. Or if we do manage to let go, we're still afraid to show it to anyone. I bought a journal with the intentions of art journaling and not worrying about whether it was 'good' or not. You're giving me the push to actually do something with it. (I had to buy a larger size as I'm definitely not good at drawing or writing small :-) Maybe soon I'll actually post pics of a page or two LOL!
Hang in there and keep right on the way you're going; it looks great and reflects wonderfully expressive YOU!
Oh my! Why do you think that you can't journal??? These pages are fab!! I love them!! If I could do what you do, I would be thinkin' I was really somethin'. Please continue to try to journal. It is fun, knowing that you can take your art with you all of the time to show to others and get them involved in this wonderous craft. Traveling Art!!
These are awesome Marsha - I can't get myself to start a journal - visual...not bad...writing - I'm all over the place with too many ideas and can't find a groove!
Love these journal pages and your new journal! You are so good messy or neat and controlled, whatever your style, many people who can be messy in their art probably wish they could be more like you!!
Boy, can I relate...probably why I can stick to my gluebook (also small Moleskine sketch) since it's just paper & glue, not even a pen mark...ok, maybe it's not really journaling. Your pages are beautiful!
MARSHA!!! I saw your comment on my flickr about journaling, but somehow I missed that you posted your pages on your blog. I LOVE THEM!!! Really, really, I do. You must have some notion that journaling is supposed to take some particular format or something... isn't is supposed to be whatever you want to do??!! I think your pages are FABULOUS (and obviously a buncha other people do too or there wouldn't be a jillion comments on here already). Funny that we both started this little project around the same time. Love. Love. Love.
what a groovy world you have! i love the blogger comment glitch - it just adds to the fun!
Well I think your journal is beyond fabulous. Your pages are beautiful and the scraps work perfectly.
And I understand exactly what you mean about journaling. I don't have the gene either, but I wish I did. I even have a bit of messiness in me, but for some reason, I can't make journals or altered books and they really appeal to me too. :)
Great job, and keep going with it, I can't wait to see what you come up with.
HOW CAN YOU SAY YOU CAN'T JOURNAL?! These pages are amazing - a visual feast! And I haven't been able to devour your entire blog history yet (oh, but I will...) but I think that these pages are exactly your style too. They are so refreshing and they look gorgeous to boot.
Amiable post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
um, Marsha, you do journal.You just did. Amazing work, I would hate you if I didn't already love you. Those tag books are delicious. The trims on the houses, the doors that open, the darling birdies, SWOON. I am in love. xoSusan
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