I'm off to Missouri later this week for a very short trip to visit my dad's widow . . .and out of tradition of always being there for the 4th of July. I dread it. It will be very sad for me as I think I will probably say goodbye to Missouri for a very, very long time. I cannot imagine being there without my dad or the rest of my family. I've been there just about every summer out of my 44 years of life, but now my family has all passed away and no one is there to visit - it will feel so empty.
After THAT, I am free, free, free and look very forward to a summer of making art - mostly art for me, very few trading or swaps or obligatory pieces and I really need that right now. I just can't wait. As I am getting all of my ducks in a row, finally, have even started visiting blogs a bit tonight and will continue until I am all caught up again.
Thank you for hanging with me during my drought here on the blog. Here's a free image for your patience and continued support, no matter what. You all mean so much to me! Hope to be back on top of it all very, very soon! (be sure to click on it to get the big version)

(please don't sell in a collage sheet or image collection or give away - direct friends here to the freebie)

Hi Marsha,
Good to hear you. I hope you are ok and thanks for this beautiful freebie. I will work with it.
Have a sunny day my friend. Hugs.
Thanks for the freebie!!
I know going there will be hard. I am sending your courage and hugs!! And congrats on your upcoming summer of art time! What a blessing to look forward too!
Thanks for the image! I hope your trip to Missouri is better than you expect. I live in Missouri and the good news is that we are having some cooler weather!!
What a great image...thanks for sharing. I hope that your trip away will be ok...that has to be hard for you, but I too will send thoughts of courage your way...that must really be hard, and I honestly can't imagine having to do what you are about to do....the bum part, is that its a part of this life we live...
Much love to you.
One more trip and then you are home and dry and a summer of ART to look forward to, look forward to seeing some of it too.
Glad to have you back - I have missed you!
Hi Marsha,
I was happy to read your update and see that you are getting back to a more manageable pace. I am so happy to learn that Shawn was accepted at his first choice for college. So you'll be launching one from the nest won't you?
Missouri may be very healing for you as you may be able to find 'closure' for yourself after so many years and a lifetime of memories and endless chapters...
I hope you find it a healing process and that it opens up a future full of being the very best you can be for those that you love.
Your comments surrounding the have to rather than the want to's in creativity were so wise and I appreciate the time you took to express this as it helped to increase my own personal awareness.
I need to learn to pace myself better too and not always feel such an urgency to keep on top of things... ok well blah blah blah - I too am just starting to get caught up on blog visits and found Kathy's beautiful blog last night ...Parmalee - or something like that - she is so talented. You have the best blog links!!!!!
Have a safe trip and know my thoughts will be with you. What a crazy year 2010 has been for you - I suspect the second half will be full of delight for you!!!
Thank you for the beautiful image! Have a great time on vacation!
Marsha, I am so glad to see you back to blogland! I wish you the best with your visit. I hope your Dad's wife's family is close to her and are close. I wish her the best. You will begin to bloom after this trip. I am sure this trip will be a positive release for you.
Hope all goes well and that we will be surprised with your brillant artwork very soon.
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