Good news - the huge yard remodel project is almost done. My arms and back are happy about that. Bad news - still have 3 major projects/events to get through by the 19th. Then I'm free, free, free!
Cool news - I was recently interviewed for the very yummy Altered Hearts zine at My friend, Patty Anne Henderson, did such a lovely job with the interview and layout and I am just so honored and tickled! (the picture is linked to it's location) This zine is packed with tutorials and images and gorgeous art work and articles and inspiration galore! You owe yourself a copy of this! It's a new must have magazine for me.

Well, I have two new packs at DS: City Limits and Juicy Grids. They are available as png packs or jpg sheet sets.

Hope everyone has a wonderful JUNE weekend!

Congratulations on the Altered Hearts zine interview! that is great :)
I love your new packs... especially the juicy grids
congrats on the interview!
love your new digi packs - had to buy both today! great kits Marsha!
Hey Marsha, a.k.a. Miss Busy Bee! Love the new packs (especially the city)! Congrats on the interview. We are trying to clean our entire house (really clean it) before we leave on vacation. By 'we' I mean me and my daughter - lol!! Have a loverly weekend! xoxo Pam
Am loving the new packs...especially Juicy Grids...beautiful!!
Congrats on your article too!!
Congratulations on the interview. I am off to check this out now.
Don't know how you fit it all in! Have downloaded the zine, and it's great, thanks for tip!
Am getting seriously twichy fingers on the digi pack thing - just a small matter of saving up for photoshop first....
Look at you GO! The last thing you should be doing, my dear Marsha, is apologizing in any way for not checking in on me... YOU'VE BEEN BUSY!! Holy cow... isn't it amazing to see where we started and where we're headed? Love to see that you're going for it, and I'm cheering you on all the way! Hugs, Shelly
P.S. Thanks for the kind thoughts about my grandma. She was such a dear soul...I'm lucky to have had her as my grandma. Truly.
So sorry to hear about all of your losses. It's hard to bear, but it does help put life in perspective. Much love to you.
Great news for you!! You are so amazing! These new images are just fabulous!
Your Elements Sheets are absolutely gorgeous works of art in their own right! Just beautiful!!!
So it looks you have only one week to go until you're free, free, free! I'm in a same kind of situation, working my ass off but only a few days to go. I took some "blog visiting time" on this Sunday morning, but can't stay long or read everything I missed... sorry. Hope to be a more regular visitor in the future! Hope everything is going OK with you?!
I need to read this interview! I'm so proud of you!
So I thought you should know you're famous now. I was at a Michael de Meng class over the weekend, and a few of us in the class were talking about collages. Out of the blue, this woman asks, "Have you heard of Deviant Scrap?" I said, yes (of course) and went on and on about how wonderful you truly are. :) Word is getting out!
Hi Marsha, just wanted to stop by and say HELLO..also wanted to let you know that I stopped by Deviant and bought a bunch of your downloads...also got some other neat stuff from Etsy and as soon as I get my yard work done I hope to get a few things going. Miss you, Hugs, Diane
Heh Marsha!
Just thought I'd stop by and wish you and Shawn a wonderful weekend of celebration! I'm looking forward to you getting through all of your obligations and back blogging!! I miss your posts.
congrats on the interview! that's exciting-
well, june is now getting closer to being over- hope your load is lighter and you're more free soon!
Congratulations on your new publication, Marsha! If this magzine is a must-have for you, I will definitely check it out. Love your new digi packs btw, and, as always, thanks for keeping me inspired!
Hi Marsha,
I just think your new packs are awesome !!
Congrads on your interview,amazing.
You are so fabulous...
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