The first prize is . . . A set of my newest collage sheets from my Etsy
Be Mine Cupid Combo image set

The next prize is . . . A romantically fun rose pin from my friend, artist and published author, Stephanie Boman! The picture is linked to her Etsy and you can find her blog here. Stephanie had sent me a pin a few months ago just cuz she's as sweet as can be and I love it! These are lovely vintage style adornments, very yummy! Some can be worn in your hair, some on your hat, some on your clothes - THE perfect accessory! Be sure to check out Stephanie's blog too where she hosts many of her own free giveaways, shares free ephemera to use in your own work, and shows some of her own fab art projects like this favorite of mine.

(Above picture from Stephanie Boman. All rights reserved.)
If you'd like to add Stephanie's blog button to your own blog, here it is . . . find the link code on the sidebar of her blog.

The third prize is . . . This Limited Edition Just Be Petite Print (with mat). This is a first in a planned series of petite size pieces, measuring about 3 x 5 inches.

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 1/31/2011. All rights reserved.
Digital ATC. Image credits, everything is from my images (most at except for the face which comes from a former flickr member, VeryGoodWithComputers.
And the last prize is . . . 3 of my older Valentine collage image sheets from my Etsy!

Drawing closes Thursday at midnight. Winners will be announced Friday, February 11!
Have a great week my sweetest blog people ever!
Roses are red,
and digital hue
by Tumblefish
is lovely, too!
Hi Marsha, so good to get around to your blog again. Great to see you being as creative and giving as ever. As always, your work is amazing and Steff's blog is next on my list to visit. I've been out of the blogging world for a good while. Just busy with work, etc. I've missed it terribly and hope to spend more time visiting very soon. Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day.
Roses are red,
Grass can be blue,
Artists see colors differently,
But none more pleasingly than you!
Love you girl!
roses are red,
violets are blue,
I love this stuff,
and want to thank you!
Roses are red,
violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet,
and this freebie is too!!
Hi Marsha what a sweet giveaway!
Roses are red,
So Marsha said,
Her blog is so sweet,
I may have to tweet,
& dream of her images dancing in my head after I have gone to bed~
xo Happy Valentines Day! *early
Oh, juicy !!!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
My things is paint,
paper, scissors and glue !
Thanks for the giveaway, Miss Marsha ! Happy Week ahead !
Lovely gifts, Marsha!
Roses are red
Violet are blue
With all that said
A gift from you!
Thanks for the chance :)
not a poet!! but would love to be entered:)
Roses are red
I am skint
but oh how I'd love
that Tumblefish print!
Thanks for the chance, sweetie, and happy Valentine's day to you!
Roses are read, violets are blue, collage sheets are awesome, especially by you!
Did I spell that right? That is why I draw. LOL
I simply can't compete with any of the above rhymes but please enter me for the giveaway!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You are awesome
Your stuff is too!
P.S. Love the new header!
This is great!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Love your creativity
and you're pretty awesome too! ; )
Awsome prizes and those new sheets are out of this world! Loved everyone elses poems, so I'll give it a shot too:
Roses are red
and sometimes they're pink
Your collage sheets are fab
At least that's what I think!
Thank you so much for your kindness of heart
You,re an inspiration for my art.
won't be able to write a poem in English, but I would love to be entered in your drawing ! pleaaaase add me in !
thanks !
Hi! What wonderful presents! I just love Valentines Day. Thank you for your generosity.
Roses are Red,
My Art Journal's Blue,
It can't wait
To use ephemera from you!
Fabulous new Goodies my Dearest Marsha. I don't have to go into detail what I think as you know how I feel about you and your stuff.
A li'l poem from me to you.
Roses are Red,
My Heart is too,
What a Wonderful Friend,
I've found in YOU!!
Count me in!
Roses are red
Artists use different hues
Oh what creations we can make
With the giveaway for me and you!
How about
Roses are red
Violets are blue
If I don't win
I'll have to order from you.
Roses are red,
Whiteand pink too,
I love seeing art
created by you.
You all are so clever! Am loving the poems!
Roses are red,
but Stephanie's is pink.
If I win a prize,
I'll skate 'round a rink.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
this is the thing
you asked me to do! :-D
Roses are Red
I like mine White too
Please Pick me
or I will be Blue
That was my best quick attempt. Please stop by my blog for my giveaway too. It's pretty awesome as well!
Roses are red
and sometimes white
those sheets of you
keep me awake all night
Haha I think it's a pretty good poem for someone who's first language isn't english :D
I am no I will simply say what a lovely giveaway!!!
I'd love to win any of your lovely,wonderful prizes!!! thanks for the chance!
Thanks for a chance to win! Miss ya and hope all is well!~hugs~ Carrie
Roses are red,
Their leaves are green,
The prizes you offer
Are the best I've seen!!
Had a bit of a giggle making this up, and reading the other posts!!
Count me in!
Roses are red,
my hair is too,
sorry to say,
my shoes are blue.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Who Makes the best collage sheets
Methinks it tis you!
Roses are red
Grass is green
Your beautiful artwork
is some of the best I have seen!
How's that?!?
What a sweet're a honey!
Roses are red, a lovely sight, yet Tumblefish Studio will aLwAyS delight!
Always such a treat to see what you are up to next! And your lovely giveaway is just the sweetest! ~ Angela
Hello Marsha!
Roses are red,
Violets are yellow and blue
Let "Just Be" be for me and
I'll forever be grateful to you.
You know how much I adore your art. I would love to add this one to my collection.
Thanks for including me and for offering up such lovelies.
Ok, I'm commenting, cus you know I've been collecting your collage sheets (and really who isnt? hehe).
Here's my poem for the 2nd entry:
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Martha is so sweet...
...and sometimes I can be too!
hehe, I'm so bad at poems, last one I wrote was in 5th grade, and with good reason!! hahaha. Hope you have a fantastic week. :-)
Wow what a awesome giveaway! I have to come up with a poem....let me see
Roses are Red
Violets are blue
and I love you!
Love maggie
You all re the BEST blog buddies a gal could have! I love the poems! You're so fun, all of you!
Roses are red,
I love messing with glue
If I'm not crafting
Then I feel blue
It's very kind of you to do giveaways
Ann-Marie x
Love your work, the poems are funny.
Roses are red, and so am I when ideas do not stay in my head.
I love art just need to start.
Love love love your colorful work!!
Here's my ditty:
Roses are red
But don't touch the thorn
And please draw my name
On Friday morn!!!
Hi marsha,
i would love any of the 4 prizes up for grabs,
so here's my go at the poem,
oh go on please, please, pleeeeease!(lol)
good luck to all,
have a crafty day,
Comments are closed for the prize drawing. Come back this evening for results!
good luck and that was a fantastic job you have done.Nice post. Thank you for sharing this informative post.
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