Just be

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 1/31/2011. All rights reserved.
Digital ATC. Image credits, everything is from my images (most at tumblefishstuido.etsy.com) except for the face which comes from a former flickr member, VeryGoodWithComputers.
The little digital ATC above will be popping up here again soon. I feel another prize drawing coming on soon! Sweets for the Sweet Contest coming later this week!
That'll teach me . . .
Guess I should pay more attention to my email. It has been sadly neglected. Cleaned out over 1300 messages between my two addresses this weekend and ran across a few that I wish I had seen earlier! I don't know how I miss such great messages! Found out from Seth Apter of The Altered Page that stemming from his project The Pulse, a survey of 150 online artists, my blog was listed as a favorite blog to visit! Who knew? I often think I scare people away! You can see the link here. And while you're at Seth's blog, check out this link too! Well, just check everything out at Seth's! I got lost in there for over an hour tonight.
Today's self observations . . .
- I have been craving turkey. I go and get slices out of the fridge like some might take cookies from the cookie jar. Hope this goes away soon.
- I get tired of wearing pants about 9:00 every night. I have to go put on the stretchy jammies. (could be from all the turkey I ate during the day) The really sad thing is, I don't always shower and get my pants on until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Thank goodness I don't have a real job.
- I am a fixer. I want to fix everything, always . . . and am so disappointed when I realize I can't fix most things.
- I have fallen out of grace with two people already this week. Could be a long week. You live, you learn.
Love your piece!! Her face is awesome!!
Fell out of grace did ya? Hmmmm!! Oh well! You win some.....etc.!! Don't be so tough on yourself!
I have been trying to get going earlier in the day. Since I get up before dawn! Ha! But I know how it is to not feel like getting dressed until well after lunch! But I just chalk it up to "perks" of being self-employed! Ha!!
Be well
LOVE your ATC Marsha... she is so sweet... Am not surprised at all at your blog being a fave... I love visiting here :)))
When I have a day off work, I love getting dressed late... there is nothing quite like a morning in pj's...
Have a great week
Jenny x
Are you telling me that it is NOT normal to wait until 2pm to shower? OMG! I had no idea! :) I fall out of grace fairly regularly, but it's mostly because I am trying to do too many things at once, and then I drop the ball. Usually on someone's toes. haha! Love the new piece! xoxo Pam
Love this piece, Marsha. Gotta take her advice more often too.
At least it is turkey and not chocolate chip cookies or something.
Hope you have a grace-filled rest of the week.
what a wonderful piece of art! great job. hey i'm with you.....i just told my hub this morning i want to live in flannel pajamas! love those stretchy waistbands!! haha
Oh Marsha, you really are OK (and loads more!), you know that right? I love your new blog banner and always, everything about your blog!
And don't worry about when you get dressed! My husband and I have taken to wearing the comfy jammies as dinner-wear! It's cold. It's snowy. Why not?
Just relax and be comfortable with yourself. She seems like a very nice person!
Yep, you easily get lost over at Seth's blog... I know. Congrats on your bloglink! It's totally deserved dear!!!
Thanks for being so genuine and authentic ~ I totally know where you are coming from with the jammie bottoms and for me it cookie dough rather than turkey. Finally had to self talk myself away from it! I hope the rest of your week will bring you joyful and grounded moments. I enjoy seeing what you are doing so much!
~ Katie
So pretty as always. I too have not been very good about emails or anything else. lol
I have though worked on my Temptations site where I have you listed. See if you like it better now. Also I am going to let you guys post on the site if you would like to add your pieces
How funny maybe you do scare people...my word verification below is Satin .....lol
Thanks so much for visiting!! I, too, made a commitment to post at least twice a week and visit all my favorite blogs every week! Well.......
My husband has a BFA in fine art and minored in graphic design (he's also an amazing illustrator:) He has a solo show in October so that will light a fire under him:)
The altered fabric book is a departure for me, but I didn't realize that it would be so liberating rather than intimidating. Prepping pages without worrying/thinking about what's going to end up on them means I can stick anything on there! Great way to break rut/routine. My sewing machine is a thorn in my side - ha - but if I can keep it going...
I say "you know" all the time.
Have you ever read Ekhart Tolle's book The Power of Now? Could be just the trick for removing those inaccurate words from your mind monkey's clutches!!
OK, this is turning into a chapter - ciao for now!
Hey Marsha-
I like your new piece and I like the title too......just be.....we should all subscribe to this notion. As for your craving for turkey, I think you should put the cookie jar in the fridge and put the slices of turkey in it just for fun!!!!
Hey Marsha,
Fabulous Lil ATC hun. I wear my jammies every opportunity I get. So comfy too. So your not alone in this he he. Thanks for stopping by my blog this week. You know it means an awful lot to me MWAH.Theres a whole bunch of stuff I've been working on using your stuff due to be posted on my blog later this week. I so desperately needed a Tumblefish Fix. Ha Ha. so keep your eyes peeled hun.
Hugs Fiona.oxoxoxo
So glad you found the email Marsha!!
What a magical picture, love the sweet angel face and the colors.
Hugs Anja
Great ATC, I love Seth's blog.
Hoi Marsha.
I'm catching up your latest posts ! :)
Thanks for the link to Seth Apter.
However I only work digital, it's a blog with so many interesting links that it would be inspirational for ANY artist !!
Your self observations...
It made me laugh when you wrote about your stretchy jammies. I'ts so recognizable :)
I wear them ALL day until I have to work. Then I fly to do my job....return at home and hoppaaa, my strechy is waiting for me again!
About "falling out of grace with people" Realise that you can't be friends with everyone ! My dad always said "Rian , punch your nose once, then you'll become a real woman" :)
About your gift from Verna's Bird Bee and Bloom.
Congratulations !! You lucky girl !
And at last...i keep talking
Your newest collage sheets !
You have outdone yourself Marsha.
They look AWESOME !!
Have a nice weekend my friend.
(and between me and you) When you like my OWOH giveaway...I would gladly share it with you !!
Hearty greetings from me.
Rian (who is trying to type perfect English but never succeeds :)
I was reading about you being peoples' favorite spot to visit. You've been my favorite for a long time.
I was reading about your being the favorite blog triuph and a bunch of Canadian geese flew by my window. Hi diddildee
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