Good news: The little house below is one of the prizes from my birthday Make Me Laugh drawing! Keep reading below the picture.

This charming house came from Angie of Junk Garden blog and Etsy. Junk Garden blog is one of my all time favorite blogs to visit. I just love Angie's style and taste and talent beyond what I can describe! She finds, shares, and creates just the coolest stuff around. If she could dress me, decorate my house, design my blog, and call me everyday with one of her creative moments of genius, I would have the world on a string! You must visit both her blog and Etsy. She is one of the most humble bloggers I have ever come across, rarely touting her own fine fun work. So you must visit both. The pix above are linked to her Etsy and her blog can be found here. More from Angie later in the post . . .
Make Me Laugh Drawing & Prizes . . .
Who made me laugh the hardest . . . Boot~C of Mama's Got to Doodle blog. I loved her joke about the bar, the man, the jar, and the horse! I've retold it about a dozen times now. And she wins: the house pendant shown above, my newest print "Rain, rain" (shown in the post below this one) and 5 collage sheets from my Etsy shop!

Taking Boot~C out for the random drawing, I numbered the comments with jokes in order as they appear from 1 to 9 and used the random number generator to choose a number for me. Despite her prediction and the odds, #1 was chosen!

Random winner drawn . . . AZviaTX aka Tina of Red Opal blog!
And she wins: Two rolls of Tim Holtz's new tissue tape (which I bought from here), my newest print "Rain, rain" and 5 collage sheets from my Etsy shop!

Winners, if you'll email me with your addresses, I'll get your prints and prizes mailed. You can do a little shopping in my collage sheets here and then let me know which 5 sheets you'd like.
Thank you all so much for playing along. I loved the jokes! I've been retelling them all this last week. An itty bitty LOVE prize for everyone . . .
You can use the heart below in your own personal artwork. Please do not redistribute in any way. It is created from an old hand painted background I made a couple of years ago.

In other news . . .
Here is the other birthday present I chose for myself . . . an exquisite doll from artist Sandy Mastroni. I absolutely adore her! I want to collect as many of her dolls as I can. Family has been given proper notice that should they ever be looking for something to give me, this is what I want, dolls from Sandy. I've never been a huge doll person, but the faces Sandy creates gives these little creatures a life all their own - very magical and spellbinding. I have a hard time not staring at great length into the face of mine sitting here on my desk. She seems so wise and that if I look long enough I shall find all the answers in her gaze. The picture is linked to Sandy's Etsy and her blog can be found here. These dolls are on "My Favorite Things" list too . . .

Collage Sheets . . .
I have taken a mini break from creating collage sheets. Have lots of new stuff to scan and new sheets being planned in my head. New items coming soon!
Awards . . .
It has been a long while since I've got a blog award and got two in one week! Just by chance I received the award below from both Angie at Junk Garden blog and Patrice at The Old Back Porch blog. Thank you ladies! You're so kind!

The Rules of the Award are as follows:
- Thank and link back to the person that gives you the award
- Share 7 things about yourself
- Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered blogs*
- Email the recipients to let them know they won
Seven Little Things you might not know about Moi . . .
- Black is my most favorite color.
- I drink Coke all the time . . . like all day everyday and hate coffee and water.
- If I could dress and look just like anyone else it would be Ellen Degeneres.
- I don't like to fall asleep without the TV on. So sad, but I hardly watch TV any other time.
- Sorry old followers . . . for you newer readers, I have a true phobia of buttons. I avoid them at all costs. (making it harder to wear those cute oxford shirts Ellen wears)
- My husband has worked in the movie industry for over 30 years so I've got to meet lots and lots of famous folks . . . even been to some of their homes, shared meals with them, and chatted at parties and on the set. Remember the old Six Degrees from Kevin Bacon game? I can make you 2nd in a link list that doesn't require you to be in a movie yourself though I did appear (as an extra in the courtroom) in the not so successful movie Disorganized Crime. It's a small world, huh?
- What I wish I could do . . . make something besides collages, sing in tune, whistle that loud whistle that gets everyone's attention, and give back to the people in my life just a little of what they give me.
I love and so deeply appreciate the honor of someone recognizing me with an award, I truly do. But, honestly, I hate, hate, hate having to choose just a few to pass it on to. I hate that I might be excluding others. Maybe because I was often one of the last picked for the kickball team at recess. So, I'm going to be a rebel for the time being and point you in the direction of my sidebar over there on the right. It is a long list of my most favorite blogs to visit and it's still missing some I need to get organized and add. Maybe I'll get the guts to pass this award on more specifically soon, after a little more thought on the matter.
The house pendant is fabulous and your new doll is extraordinary! I love her too!! I will have to go and peek at her shop for sure.
I am not a fan of buttons either. They drive me crazy!
And I would love to be able to whistle really loud too!! The kind that gets everyone's attention. Ha!
Hugs to you
hey marsha, you crack me up! I have heard your voice and whenever I read your posts I hear them in your voice. I know that sounds strange but it's true! It makes what you say even funnier. Congrats to the winners. that house4 charm is adorable. Miss you, take care!
love those little dollies and house pendants. hope you are doing well!
Marsha...sweet little houses..must take a closer look at that shop. And that dollie....LOVE her too! Hope you manage to collect many.
OH I love the little house so cute! Happy Birthday to you. I didn't have any good jokes or I would have entered.
Have an artsy day!!!
Happy, happy Birthday, Miss Marsha !
Congrats to all the winners of your generous prizes. I am so glad you got yourself the sweetest of gities too. That sandy doll is so perfectly cute and wise ! Love her.
I think you already give back a lot to those who love you - they fact they love you so well is proof of that !
Glad you are finding ways to make this time of year sweet again. Hugs to you !
Marsha! Thank you so so much for the sweet comments. YOU have been a big inspiration for me. I love YOUR style! You are such a fun and vibrant person. I know we would be bffs! I loved reading your 7 facts and soooooo cool about meeting so many famous folks. I'd like to hear those stories.
Have a super day!
thanks so much~ that house is darling! I'm glad you liked the joke. I'm on my way to email you now, :)
Oh, I love all the answers you gave us from the 7 little things about you...but I must say & I've been following for a while...a phobia of buttons??? I MUST know more!!! Because it hurts your fingers to button, cuz it makes you want to rip them off & create a collage, cuz when you're wearing them you're just too tempted to keep the top 4 un-buttoned & show cleaveage, cuz you fear 1 may fall off & slip into your mouth & you might choke...oh please, do TELL!!! LOL
Marsha, I guess the odds were in my favor! I emailed you already but wanted to thank you publicly for your graciousness and generosity. I hope this new year is treating you as kindly as it has, obviously, been to me! Blessings to you and yours, (followers and fans). Tina
I had no idea you didn't like buttons!
Hi Marsha.
A LONGGG blog but with ALL your information definitely worth to read and to discover interesting links ànd things that you and I share.
I LOVE BLACK fashion :)
Succes with your new sheets !!!
Hello hello, those little houses ARE so cute. I havent dropped in for a while, so just came by to see whats happening in your world. You are always so busy and inspiring, I wish I could be half as productive.
I wish for you a lovely day.
I hope you are doing well...I think of you often...looks like you are very busy with all sorts of artsy goodness. that's wonderful...and I agree, that house pendant is the cutest!!!
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