You are a Goddess and Beautiful Sideshow

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen, July 2011. All rights reserved.
Digital Collages. Image credits: all from my own Tumble Fish Studio kits including Divas, Journal Words, Journal Scraps, Journal papers, Hats Crowns & Wings, and Paper Things.
New Stuff . . .
I've been working hard to catch up on work work and house work this week and have a lot of irons in the fire to finish up this week. I do have a couple of new little pieces done and some new kits in the shoppe at I'm nearing the end of listing all of my "old stock" with the last few re-releases in the next 10 days or so before starting on all new kits. Most everything in my shoppe is on sale now through the end of July (with just a couple of exceptions) so don't miss out on stocking up on a lot of great deals for your image stash!
Journal Words

Journal Papers

Journal Scraps

Beloved and Life Shrines

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen, June 2011. All rights reserved.
Digital ATC's. Image credits: from Tumble Fish Studio - Happy Place, Vibrations, Borders Bunch, Jiant Journaling, Miscellany, Divas, City Skies, Remembrances, East is West; arrow and crown in Beloved ATC are from Sherrie JD's SteamPunk kit; paper clip in Life ATC is from Christina Renee Designs.
Altars & Shrines . . .
There's a lot going on at this month including a very fun ATC swap to compliment our theme of Altars & Shrines. The picture ad below is from's The Deviant Muse . . . you can get the July issue FOR FREE from here! And we'd love to have any one of you join in on the swap! Anyone is welcome, any medium, any images . . . it's just a friendly swap! You can join in and get more information here.

Image credits: cards contributed by Balinda, Anubis 1, Glitterbug, and me. Full credits can be found on the last page of July's The Deviant Muse or in the swap gallery here.
Inspiration . . .
While perusing one of my favorite sites to peruse, Creative Souls, I found the gorgeous work of Mary Jane Chadbourne. Mary Jane lives and works in the Las Vegas area and her work can be found in numerous galleries in the Southwest. It was a stroke of luck that I discovered her work just as we were preparing July's theme of Altars & Shrines at DeviantScrap. Not only did I fall in love with Mary Jane's work but found endless inspiration for possible themes I look forward to exploring myself. One thing I find very exciting is her ability to use images in her dimensional pieces that many of us might limit to flattened cut and paste or digi work. She thinks "outside the box", literally, in her work and I get lost in the details of her dimensional compositions. The photo's of Mary Janes work below were used with permission and are linked to Mary Jane's Facebook Fan Page, Desert Dreams Studio.
The Beauty Within

Journey This Day

Frida & Diego - Unsettled Showers

Find Your Way

My heart goes out to you during this time of celebration yet sadness for you. I know the experience of having mixed emotions for occasions and places it is difficult. go easy on yourself.
It's always so difficult to lose someone we love. I, too, remember my Dad on the 4th. He LOVED this Holiday and was one of the biggest patriots I know. I was very blessed to have him in my life. Am sending you a HUGE hug and loving thoughts. Terri xoxo
Dearest Marsha,
I'm sending you hugs of comfort, but also hugs of strength and creativity and productivity. Your work is wonderful and creative and you inspire many people, including myself!
Thank you for mentioning Creative Souls. I will have to take a bit of time and delve into this lovely gooey jam-pot of creativity!
Also sending you some of the pink clouds outside my window right now. They are fluffy and fairy-tale-like and they look like something in one of your sheets!
The first time we do holidays, special occasions without those we love -- so, so hard. And it can take years before it feels "okay" again. And it may never feel "okay" again so you will create new ways of celebrating those times that help you to move forward. You'll always know to do what feels "right".
Love the creativity and the shrines and altars look intriguing!
I'm happy to know that you are just you and doing what you know to do in your heart. Big love xo
Sorry for you sadness on the 4th of July. Sometimes work is the best thing for that.
And BOY! have you been a busy girl. I finally sat down to do some blog hopping. Haven't done it in a long time, and look at you!!!
Your blog always makes me happy with the brilliant colors and faces that just make you smile.
Hoping your are doing well, and will try to get back more often. Keep up the fantastic work. Brilliant!!!!!
Sorry for your sadness on the 4th....know how loss can make us feel differently about certain holidays. I used to feel that way about Christmas after my Mom was gone...took a long while, but now I enjoy the holiday again and would like to think my Mom would be so happy about that....thanks again for blogging about my work and so happy to have made your acquaintance...happy creating!
Sending hugs, dear friend! :]
You celebrate the 4th anyway you wish.
Time will heal you!
This post if full of eyecandy... that's a nice thing to do on this date! We - ofcourse - don't celebrate 'the 4th' in Holland, but we experience a nice summer week. I wish the same for you dear one!
Hey Marvelous and Fabulous Marsha,
Your blog is always such a huge pleasure to visit,big inspiration shared.I love all your new art work etc,it rocks loudly wowsa.....
I think creating art work on the 4th of July was perfect.Sending a big hug and again love what you are creating.
Thanks for sharing,you make my day bright. Hugs,Laura. xoxx
Sorry I have not visited for awhile, I do think of you often. Best wishes..
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