Nov 13, 2011

A post and run . . .

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! I've taken time to catch up on chores, see a movie, shop for some new old pictures and papers, and make a little art. I'm just about to go and try to invent/discover a healthy egg roll for dinner . . . . sounds kinda yucky to use ground turkey breast but we're gonna see how it works.

Take the Air

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 11/11/11. All rights reserved.
Digital collage. Image credits: everything from Tumble Fish Studio image kits including Freestyle, Freestyle 2, and Slightly Sinister.

Phone Friend

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 11/11/11. All rights reserved.
Digital collage. Image credits: everything from Tumble Fish Studio's image kit, Freestyle 2.

The new kit . . . released earlier than expected! It's came out today in the Tumble Fish Studio shoppe at!

Freestyle 2

Freestyle 2 (printable jpg sheet version)

Prize Winner
The winner of my little kit give-away is Taluula of Taluulas blog and one of the three very popular Three Muses! Congratulations Taluula!

I numbered the entries in order of their appearance and then used the random number generator to pick a number. If you didn't win this time, never fear! There will be oodles of prizes in November and December so keep your eye out for more ways to win!


The Gossamer Tearoom said...

Hello Marsha!
Congratulations to Taluula!!! I love your new kits!!

(How did the the egg rolls turn out?)



Theresa said...

Will you be selling Take To The Air in print form? I love her! Hope all is well with you & love your new sheets!

Sueann said...

Wow! Your new pieces are fabulous!
And the new kit terrific!!

The Queens Table said...

Take the Air is sooooooo cooooool!

Anonymous said...

Love the new images.

Taluula said...

Wooohooo, thank you so much. A very cool kit.

Pop over to my blog to see what I created. :D