In the meantime, thought I'd share a couple of things. I just got a new ATC swap going at Anyone is welcome to join us . . . the more, the merrier! You can use any images you like as long as you stay within this month's theme. The picture below is linked to the thread in the Deviant Scrap forum where you can sign up to play (you may have to scroll up to the top of the thread to see all the info).

I didn't get a chance to show my new Green kits I got in the shoppe last week before I went offline. They are the first in a new color themed series of kits I'll be releasing this year. The previews below are linked to the shoppe. I'm going to leave them on sale a few more days. And, maybe you'll notice I have a new kit preview design . . . don't want anyone to be confused. I just decided it was time for a change.
Well, things are likely to be very chaotic and I'll likely get very behind on things for a couple of more weeks around here. Every day brings new dirt and clouds of dust so it's hard to get things out and get busy back to work until the house work gets done. But, I'm hoping to use this time, now that I have my computer back, to do more looking and visiting and enjoying inspiration out and about on the web. Hope you all have a great first week of March!
Hi Marsha! So good to hear from you. I love the new kits! As for camping in my long as there is a mattress on the floor -lol. I hope the dust settles soon and you can have your casa in working order. Happy almost Spring! xox
Marsha thank you so much for your kind comments on The Whimsey Asylum
I think we all get blog burn out once in awhile. Your art is so unique and wonderful I always look forward to seeing what you have done.
Marsha, it was so nice to hear from you. I no longer post but do go to my page to check on the blogs I follow. Things are well for me. I love the green pages. Lorrie
I wanted to let you know that I purchased your shades of green collage sheet. I had a fabulous time putting a ribbon doll together with it.
Please come for a look!
I really like the clean lines of the blog lay out. It makes your work really stand out beautifully.
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