Nancy Baumiller's Collage Dreams on Paper class has been teaching me a lot, but my mind has been all over the place figuring out what it means or what it should mean to my work. I wrote in a comment over there that I think there was this little bit of me thinking if I took the class I would magically be able to make imposter Teesha and Nancy work. This was not the case and at first I was disappointed that my work still looked like mine. But, I've started to accept, I am me and just like I can't hand write just like any of you or you like me doesn't mean a hill of beans and is probably a good thing for variety sake. I know this was in the Being an Artist 101 class but I keep making it harder than it has to be.
This piece was made for a one-eyed zetti postcard swap and I chose to make it in the style of Nancy's class though it is much more organized than Nancy or Teesha would organize something. Many of the elements used are from my new collage sheets and this piece is available as 5 x 7 print - all in Etsy.

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 11/6/09. All rights reserved. You may not copy, print, download, or use this image in any way without my permission.
This is a 4 x 6 postcard made for a swap. The body is from and the flower crown is from The wings are form designer Nicole Young and used with a commercial license. The eye charts in the borders are from shabby chic papirskatter. The rest of the border pieces and the view master are from my own collage sheets at The face is from the public domain and highly altered. All hand cut, most hand colored, and attached to a background made with NeoColors and Pan Pastels and ink.
There was an auction for our friend, Tina Wright, who is fighting colon cancer. I donated a couple of prints and gift certificates. One of the high bidders was so very sweet to offer me two of her pieces of work and when I went to peek I was just amazed at her beautiful and original Wee Planets. Nikki Smith is a very talented book artist but works in all sorts of mediums. Her Wee Planets just truly caught my imagination. I chose one and she sent me two.
This one is called Planet Path.

And this one, I didn't realize until I looked on the back, she personalized to be Hotel de Tumble Fish!

See in the close up? Isn't that just the coolest thing ever? I just love it! Special touches like that can turn a very lovely and cool piece of art into a meaningful and extremely lovely and cool piece of art! Be sure to go look at Nikki's other work, but here's a link to her Wee Planets You can get to her blog and other galleries from here too.

I finished a few more collage sheets . . .

Happy Day Swim Club


And lastly, you've seen this before, but it is now all glued down with lots of ink outlines and shading added. It's in my Etsy too. I wanted to share the image credits now that it's done. A lot of folks have asked about the houses and I got those from Kelly Burton's
Little Traveler

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 11/6/09. All rights reserved. You may not copy, print, download, or use this image in any way without my permission.
This is a large 8 x 10 collage using a face from the public domain, glasses and crown purchased from, legs and boots scanned from catalogs and altered digitally and by hand, skirt from the public domain, bodice and arms from, hearts and wings from designer Nicole Young and purchased with a commercial license, houses from, TV screens & exit sign purchased from, word "entree" from designer Lorie Davison of Studio Lorie at, black and cream border from, scalloped and straight red and white striped border from, small red and black border from, inside side borders from Gaby Braun of, scalloped borders with numbers from designer Sande Krieger and purchased with a commercial license, scraps from Graphic 45 papers, other scraps from the public domain and my own vintage ephemera, and clouds & view master reel from Most of these pieces were hand colored to some degree and all were hand cut and glued to a background made from NeoColors, ink, and PanPastels.

I really love them, great job!
Looks as if you have been VERY busy Marsha. The new collage sheets are wonderful - will pop over to the etsy to see them. Have posted a blog entry on my blog today regarding you!
I think your style is fantastic, you don't need to aim for Teesha or Nancy style - the whole thing about style is that it is your own. I love the new collage sheets - off to etsy now...
Your style is unique and instantly recognisable - but I am sure it is evolving too, taking in everything you learn. My work changes with the wind!!
Shock horror - you have a style that is so 'all your own' that as an artist one struggles to gain - belive us all when we say we love what you have to offer and sure learn from others but most of all stay true to yourself! Evolve and develope but don't let us lose that crisp canny colourful unique style - i love it we love it it's all YOU!
gosh I can't really imagine why you want to have your work look like Teesha Moore's or Nancy's as fabulous as their work is - I think your work is just as interesting and fab just in a different is easy to say I'm sure as I would love to imitate or have their talent as well and when I try my hand at collages I want my stuff to look like theirs, it never even remotely comes close -
i love this quote -
There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is on a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others.”
sorry - martha graham said that...
Well, you well know how I feel about your art Marsha. I don't think you should change a thing BUT you have to evolve and grow in the way YOUR muse takes you. Just find a measure of solace in the fact that what you've already done and are still doing brings so much joy to so many.
These collage sheets are fantastic! I'm so glad you started offering collage sheets. If I am never able to imitate your style, at least I can legally 'lift' the elements on the collage sheets :-)
Have a great week!!
Theresa in MS
Congrats Marsha on your new collage sheets, they look great.
As far as the class you took and the style you learned, I tend to agree with some of the other comments. Your work is already easily recgonizable as yours and we all so love it as is, why change that with all the success you have from that style. Why I understand the inclination to learn new techniques and what not, please don't change your beautiful style because I am one of your biggest fans.
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