Happy Place

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 6/13/2011. All rights reserved.
Digital collage. Image credits: everything from my own images except for the sparkles which come from designer Nicole Young at DigitalScrapbookPlace.com. My digital image kits used: Happy Place, Couture Glamour, Get Freaky, and Remembrances. All available from Tumble Fish Studio at DeviantScrap.com.
More happy stuff . . . I want to tell you about something very, very exciting!
My friend Kate Crane of The Kathryn Wheel has a new set of DVD's available published by Craft Stamper Magazine (UK)! I am just so excited for her as I have been a long time fan of Kate's and have been so lucky to have her on my Creative Team when she has had time between projects. If you know Kate's work, you know what a fabulous source of inspiration these DVD's are sure to be. Kate mentions and uses Tumble Fish Studio images in the DVD's so I am doubly giddy about this exciting news. I haven't got my set yet, but you can bet I will be ordering them TODAY! Be sure to check them out and be sure to congratulate her too! The picture below is of the first DVD in the series and linked to Kate's blog where you can find out more.

I have two new kits available at DeviantScrap . . . (pictures linked to the shoppe)
Happy Place (kit)


There is much to be happy about. I'm very excited about Kates DVDS-it will be fun to see her in action. I also love how she uses your stuff in her art-you're one of my favorite collage artist.
Thanks for the shout Marsha :-)
Love your 'happy place', it's colourful, imaginative, creative and very 'you'! Your new sets look very tempting..... X
What a wonderfully, happy place!
Congratulations on your graduate :]
Enjoy the happy days ahead!!
Love your happy place.. and yes, my kiddo is standing on the edge too... marvelous to see how he turned into a student and fine young man, but it means that I'll be an 'empty nester' soon... aaahhhhh.... enjoy the graduation parties/fun! It's a precious time!
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