Fly Above

copyright by Marsha Jorgesnesn 6/14/2011. All rights reserved.
Digital collage. Image credits: everything from my own images, most at DeviantScrap. Kits used include: City Skies, Vibrations, Hats Crowns & Wings, and Divas.
This fascinates me . . .
Here's something I ran across that just boggles my mind. Can you imagine the patience and fine motor skills involved here? I have a hard time texting let alone working in such tiny detail. Click on the picture below to be taken to Green Diary to see more of this artists' amazing work.

New kits in the shoppe . . .
I'm almost done moving all of my old stock into the shoppe. After just a few more, I'll be featuring all brand new kits this summer and can't wait!
Free kit! This first one is free, so be sure to go over and check out my shoppe at DeviantScrap if you haven't already. If you ever have any questions about DeviantScrap, just let me know. I'll be happy to show you around.
Glamour Tints - FREE here


Gothic Color

Have a great weekend everybody!
Oh my goodness... those pencils... I can't believe it! Breathtaking!
Your collage is awesome... if only we could fly heh....
Your new blog banner is so lovely, it caught me even before I saw that you blogged about it!
Hello Dear Marsha!
I love that your super-power is flying as a symbol for rising to challenges! I had a dream when I was a little girl that my tricycle could fly and I pedaled around all over my town, up above the treetops! I think I will concentrate on that image from now on when I want to calm myself in the midst of challenges!
Aren't those pencils just the coolest?? I love them!
And speaking of cool, your sheets are always the coolest!
Hugs to you!
Art like those pencils makes me so nervous! Too delicate for moi! :) I would stand WAAAAAAY back and admire it. Photos are good, too. LOL! I love your new banner! xox Pam
Those pencils are amazing!! Such fine details!! Wowzers!!
Awesome images...I absolutely love your banner it is very alluring.
That pencil artist is amazing. I can't imagine the patience it must take.
Hi Marsha :) not sure if you will remember me, I havent had time to read my own comments around digi land, the comments people make in my galleries/blog, let alone keep up with other ppl's blogs...but I just got a link from a friend of mine in Facebook alerting me to the fact that a page I did for the Art Journaling Caravan is leading an Art Journaling article at The Daily Digi, and, as I used stuff I had bought from you (dutyfully credited, of course) I thought you would like to see :)
I will go have a look at the store and save a bit to do some more shopping :)
Huge hugggzzz
here is the page
ohh I didnt realised I could sing with my own ID lol
that pencil art is amazing...I'm always more than impressed when I see what can be created when people have not just talent, but patience to work in such small scope.
Love the new banner...but then, I can't think of anything you do that I don't like!! :)
Your art is so awesome, I check your site about everyday! Its just so perfect - the colors and themes, I love it!
Jennifer K.
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