Two new additions to the list . . . an egg chair at the very reasonable price of $1600 + the music system package (which, I think, is a must) and a faucet that lights up and tells you via color whether the water is hot or cold. I don't care about the temperature light coordination (I can tell by feel still), I want to turn the lights out and wash dishes in the ambiance of lighted water (course the dishes should be relatively clean before washing them in the dark AND I need the ultimate dish drainer as previously discussed with Tace - wonder if it comes in airplane window blue?) Oh, and also explained to
Tace in a comment on the Christmas post below, I am planning my gifts to coordinate with the still
#1 item on the list, the airplane window, so that I can revamp the whole house and overhaul the Sanford and Son decor we presently have. So as much as I don't really like blue, that airplane window is my center piece and therefore I must keep it's color in mind as I ponder the rest of my wish list.

Total so far for 4 items - $3240.00
Things I considered but have since decided against . . . my finger print made into a custom bronze sculpture, dancing salt and pepper shakers, private party with hunky The Thunder from Down Under "dance" Troope, the modular indoor grass garden, and the sushi clock.

Still considering, however . . . the London phone booth (which could be painted to match the airplane window - are you picking up on the cocoon thing here - egg chair, phone booth, butterflies in my work, unfolding wings, etc.? I just realized it myself. I must be feelin' vulnerable and long for my safe but sheltered boring life . . . hmmm) . . .
Oh Ms. Tumble Fish, don't you know that London Phone Booths go with EVERY thing. Primary colors, yeah I'm seeing your whole Christmas done in vivid blues, eye searing reds and....*wait one sec whilst I double check my color chart aka my husband*
a ha! YELLOW!! much as I love my phone booths in a slick layer of glossy red...if you painted it blue it would look a bit like the Tardis and that....that would be fricking cool. If the Tardis time machine from the Doctor Who show turns out to be a real thing and it's prominence on television a way of the World governments to desensitize us to things that fly, are blue and can travel non-linearly through time...then I call dibs.
p.s. this is the second time you have mention Sanford and Son and I am gonna have to watch me some of that show now...just to see what's what. Isn't it a detective show???? Does that mean your house looks like a police station..? I see now why you want to deviate with an airport theme.
I have been working on my Christmas list, not ready to post yet but most likely before Easter....
Tace, you are obviously a yougin' and didn't have the pleasure of the delightful '70's sitcom Sanford and Son (I personally didn't really like it that much but and because, maybe, it was part of the iconic style of shows at the time like All in the Family, Good Times, One Day at a Time, Maude, and a few others - all pretty much showcasing the humor in being poor and struggling while wearing velour and plaid and yet reminding us that family is the most important thing as dysfunctional as all families are in one way or another. Sanford and Son is still occasionally on TV Land. It is not a police station but a junk yard and not a pretty one either. A cold hard look at clutter, missy. I mentioned it this second time because the first time was in a comment probably only read by you and I thought that it was just too good of an illustration to not use again for the benefit of all but I'll work on not repeating myself. (wink)
You are too brainy for me - you watch quantum physics based shows it sounds like. Once we start talking non-linear time travel, whoosh, right over my head. Back to the Future movies are still so confusing to me. Are those before your time too? You could probably explain them to me. I get them on the surface but if you start really trying to figure out the possible itineraries should something go wrong (like the movie might change the 99th time I see it and everything go terribly wrong) it gets confusing. I am the kind of person that is actually better entertained by dancing salt and pepper shakers. Maybe I should reconsider them.
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