First draft . . .
copyright 11/7/08 by Marsha Jorgensen
5 x 7 collage using contemporary and vintage pix reprinted and hand-colored, very old book paper, paper ribbon, Dover clipart, ink, watercolor
2nd draft, Mischief Makers . . .

copyright 11/7/08 by Marsha Jorgensen
5 x 7 collage using contemporary and vintage pix reprinted and hand-colored, very old book paper, ribbon, Dover clipart, ink, watercolor

copyright 11/7/08 by Marsha Jorgensen
5 x 7 collage using contemporary and vintage pix reprinted and hand-colored, very old book paper, ribbon, Dover clipart, ink, watercolor
These would be great to market as Anniversary cards for couples!!!!
"For x amount of $ I will custom make your picture with the vintage attire!!!" I'll bet they would love it!
Ohhhhh my gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd!!!!!!!!! We haven't even got our eyes fully open, just woke up and checked my email and... BAM, I'm a fairy and so's my sweet darlin' and you are RIGHT we are definitely some bad-azz fairies.
WOWSERS! I'm not just saying that cause it's us in the collages either, those are amazing. and we LOVE being the mischief makers!!! That's brilliant! I love that we got the big head, old timey vintage body thing going on too, I saw you did that for some collages and secretly really loved that look but didn't want to infringe upon your creative process and say, so woo and a hooo lucky me!! All of your work is fun and gorgeous but I'm yanking out my pocketfuls of bias and saying these are the bessssstest!!! THANK-YOU THANK-YOU THANNNNK-YOU!
Alan thinks they're really fantastic too, these comments aren't just my own. We love both versions that you did, and Alan is very pleased to be a mischief maker fairy with I as his mischief maker wife!
Going to go stare at our bad fairy selves some more now!!!!
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