copyright 11/6/08 by Marsha Jorgensen
3 x 5 collage using vintage pic reprinted and hand-colored, Dover clipart, ribbon, ink, watercolor

copyright 11/6/08 by Marsha Jorgensen
3 x 5 collage using vintage pic reprinted and hand-colored, Dover clipart, ribbon, ink, and watercolor

copyright 11/6/08 by Marsha Jorgensen
3 x 5 collage using vintage pic reprinted and hand-colored, Dover clipart, ribbon, and watercolor

copyright 11/06/08 by Marsha Jorgensen
3 x 5 collage using vintage pic reprinted and hand-colored, Dover clipart, ribbon, and watercolor

copyright 11/06/08 by Marsha Jorgensen
3 x 5 collage using vintage pic reprinted and hand-colored, vintage paper, Dover clipart, ribbon, rubberstamping, and watercolor

copyright 11/6/08 by Marsha Jorgensen
3 x 5 collage using vintage pic reprinted, Dover clipart, paper ribbon, rubberstamping, and watercolor
This is my girl, my favorite mystery girl - don't know much about her accept that she worked in a factory and on a farm. I imagine more stories about her than any other of the unknown girls I find in old photographs. I will probably user her again and again. She is my paper doll, the one I like to dress up and play with most. (You can see her in the Envy piece to the right and in a previous post.) I already have another one in the works but wanted to get these scanned in and posted before I lost track.
She is sweet.
A couple newbee questions if you don't mind.
1. Do you scan the photos then shrink or enlarge them. None of my old vintage stuff seem to be the right size.
2. What kind of paper do you print them on?
3. What do you predominately use for coloring them?
4. Finally what drew you to fairy's? I am trying to find a niche but don't know where to start!
ooooo . . . you want to know all my secrets! I have often thought that I could never teach anyone how to do what I've been doing lately - it is very intuitive and I don't know how to explain the whole process (I'm still not sure where it's coming from out of me!) - lots and lots of trial and error and each piece takes 1 -2 hours for me to finish (even the 3 x 5's - not conducive to a workshop or training time and I kinda get in a zone where I don't like anyone talking to me so a teacher of this I am not. Primary colors? Shapes? I got you covered - if you happen to need an elementary art lesson) I also spend many, many hours a week looking at other people's work and trying to find little things I would like to try in my pieces. It's hard to try some things and make them "your own" though and I think it is very important to find your own voice, style - trial and error. Even the backgrounds - trial and error. I've been playing with mixtures of distressable inks mixed with water, watercolor, watercolor pastels, bleach, and watermark stamping.
I shrink and enlarge images and do all kinds of tricks with them before I print and then try some more tricks after printing. I print lots of pages at a time and spend whole days just cutting out pieces and sorting them. I still often need to go back and print single pieces to get just the right one. I use whatever paper I have - usually just plain old paper. I color with different kinds of ink, pencil and pastel too - whatever has not run out yet, all kinds of things nothing more than the other. You need to read the bottom of the my post yesterday as far as what draws me to fairies - it's kind of hard to explain and I am still a little sappy about it so I'll just leave it at that. Hope that helps and thanks for asking!
That helps, and duh -- senior moment about the wings - I read that yesterday
Awwwesome fairies. I wonder who the girl was, she doesn't look like she has a lot of love for the photographer. hahaha
I love how you get so many different, looks I guess you'd say, it's the same person but your use of colour and stuff gives each one a different feel. Very cool.
That face is soooo me! I have a photo of me when I was little with a face just like that. My 7 yo looks like that too when he doesn't get his way. Your work is beautiful and I love what you're doing with the contemporary photos in the previous posts too!!
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