There's a wonderful challenge site that is the culmination of hard work from 3 lovely ladies: Ann, Marie, and Bev. Each week they post a theme and after you create a piece you may link it reciprocally to the site and your site. This week's theme was The Land of Odd and turned out to be my inspiration for two (almost four) new digital collages from me and some new collage sheets. Several people had suggested to me that I give a Three Muses challenge a try and it had been a long while since I had. But, it might have just been the spark I needed to feel a little more inspired to work. So, thank you Three Muses and my friends that suggested trying the challenge! You can find Three Muses here. The first one is my submission to the challenge and the piece that sparked the rest seen below.
Freak Pride

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/27/2011. All rights reserved.Digital collage. Image credits: tents and seal from Studio Crowabout B at Deviantcrap; flags on tents and some texturing on floor from Clementine at Deviantscrap; everything else from my own collage sheets.
Freak Pride Journal Page

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/27/2011. All rights reserved.Digital collage. Image credits:tents and seal from Studio Crowabout B at Deviantcrap; flags on tents and some texturing on floor from Clementine at Deviantscrap; paperclip and photo frame from Christina Renee Designs and used with a commercial license for a retired kit; coupons on left, asian paper at upper right from designer Sherrie JD at Deviantscrap; postcard in lower right from jen-u designs; tape from designer Caryn Scanlan; everything else from my own collage sheets.
Freaky Fairy

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/28/2011. All rights reserved.Digital Collage. Image credits: everything from my own collage sheets.
Freaky Fairy Journal Page

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/28/2011. All rights reserved.
Digital collage. Image credits: paperclip and photo frame from Christina Renee Designs and used with a commercial license for a retired kit; tape from designer Caryn Scanlan; everything else from my own collage sheets
Here are a few new collage sheets. I have to admit I felt a bit rusty after a good 3 week break from creating collage sheets. But today I feel like the ice has been broken and I look forward to making more sheets this week.
Get Freaky

Get Freaky Apparel

Get Freaky Masks

I've enjoyed generous friends, talented friends and a bit of fun lately. Just wanted to share some recent things that have found their way to me lately . . .
From my good friend Trudi of Two Dresses Studio

From an old friend, Leo of Etsy's LexArt Glass

From the talented and so sweet Fiona Randall of My Artful Muse blog

From all over the world, just a sampling of antique papers I have to go through, organize, scan and restore

From my brain to my body, a symbolic gift that I need to get out and use my body and my brain will work better

From my friend Brenda and myself, my growing collection of Sandy Mastroni dolls to keep me company as I work.

Long post, early in the week . . . hope you have happy creating days this week and everything goes just right!