I think it's going to be an Un-Art week for me. Taxes, laundry, errands, chores, and some long overdue busy work need to be done. My Etsy is open but I won't be around much anywhere else for a few days.
I'll leave you with a source picture of me and my kids . . . source meaning they are part of the cause of my Un-Arting. Ah, I love 'em anyway. They are my best creation and sometimes need a little tweeking.
Ahhh...The Un-Art Week...I had that last week and thought we were done and now I'm scrambling to finish projects to use the rest of the week to work on more "around the house" work that has to be done! Oh well! It does feel good to have it done!
Hmmmm . . . what a novel ideal! Yesterday I chased dustbunnies, tomorrow I've got outside errands to run, etc., etc. Trying to squeeze art "in between". Un-Art Time is a good idea! Love the photo! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Has Un-Art week tumbled over to the next week? (feeling cranky...sighs) The Original Rubber Stamp show is this weekend, I'm hoping that will energize the creativity cells ;->
U are so funny! And thank you for reminding me of the things I need to do to unart my week. Susan
Ahhh...The Un-Art Week...I had that last week and thought we were done and now I'm scrambling to finish projects to use the rest of the week to work on more "around the house" work that has to be done! Oh well! It does feel good to have it done!
Wishing you a Happy Week with you kids!
Beautiful kids Marsha! And you have a lovely smile. ; )
Enjoy your un-arting... you'll be refreshed and ready to go when you get back to it!
Hmmmm . . . what a novel ideal! Yesterday I chased dustbunnies, tomorrow I've got outside errands to run, etc., etc. Trying to squeeze art "in between". Un-Art Time is a good idea! Love the photo! Hugs, Terri xoxo
What a lovely photo, your daughter has your smile.
Sweet sweetness! Love that photo.
Marsha....darling pic!!!
Happy happy joy joy! Enjoy the stuff of life!
You are so beautiful! Have a wonderful week.
Gorgeous! Happy un-art week - I'll be joining you!
I agree - those two look like the best creations you ever made!! Enjoy your week Marsha!
WHat a beautiful comment about your children and your daughter is the double of you MArsha.
I should really have an un-art week but hey, life is too short LOL the chores can wait another day.
HAve a great un-arty week
WHat a beautiful comment about your children and your daughter is the double of you MArsha.
I should really have an un-art week but hey, life is too short LOL the chores can wait another day.
HAve a great un-arty week
I have had an un-art month - and I missed it! And everyone else too. Hope yours gives you the head space you need to create again soon!
You have a beautiful family!!
Marsha, look at this wonderful photo! Your kids look just like you. Just stopping by to say hello and say I've been thinking of you. Take care, Tracey
Has Un-Art week tumbled over to the next week? (feeling cranky...sighs)
The Original Rubber Stamp show is this weekend, I'm hoping that will energize the creativity cells ;->
Have a great weekend!!
Lovely photo! Am sure you had a blast!!
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