I said on Facebook this morning I was kicking the flu to the curb, but it kinda snuck back in as the day went on. Don't feel horrible, don't feel good, tired of being tired, and bored with being sick. So, I really really tried to dust off my dusty art self today to try and make something.

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/21/2011. All rights reserved.
A simple little Zetti style digital collage. Image credits: all but the bubbles from my own collection of images. Eyes belong to moi. Bubbles from designer Nicole Young and used with a commercial license. Somewhat of a self portrait today.
I made this next one last Saturday night, also just really needing to make something more than making something out of inspiration. I am definitely forcing it right now, but I always go through bouts of that when I haven't been creating and looking at the work of others daily.
Can't I?

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/19/2011. All rights reserved.
For me, when I haven't made something for a long while, the first one back is always a bit awkward and lacking. Have to push through to let the muses know you're ready to roll again. Digital collage. Image credits: everything from my own collection of images. 6 separate antique photos were used.
My very talented and sweet friend Amy of Wallflower Images told me she saw my mail art in Somerset Studio and I said "I don't think it's mine." I hadn't sent anything and hadn't heard anything from them. So I went to my new unopened copy and started browsing, back to front as I always do anything worth enjoying! hee hee And there in the Letters to the Editor area was a picture of a label I had put on the box mailing in a submission last summer for the Holiday issue. How funny is that!

More importantly . . . notice the call for mail art! I know tons of you that should be submitting work to this call!
On the agenda this week . . .
I know some are waiting on new collage sheets. Lord knows I should be making them. I am absolutely overloaded with lots of recently gathered antique pictures and ephemera - so many sheets working in my head. But, I think I really need to spend some time this week blog hopping and flickr looking to gather some inspiration. I need to knock out a couple of new pieces and work out some of the kinks I have from not stretching my creative muscles much in several weeks. I need some fresh perspectives. So, if you are in fact waiting to see new stuff (which may very well be the case in my sweet dreams), hang in there just a bit longer. I promise to be productive soon!
Hiya! Happy Spring! I hope you are feeling better! Fun to find yourself unexpectedly published. You are a star!
Congrats on not knowing you were published Marsha! Makes for a more exciting frame of mind! I hope that you can kick that bug you have - I have had some kind of yucky thing going on since December. I'm not sick, just not well, which is kinda worse as there is no cure! Anyhoo...
Hope life at home is treating you well and all the kiddies are behaving themselves! Spring has sprung so time for creating for you - and me!
Happy week ahead...A XxX
I think your choice of word for how you've been feeling was perfectly descriptive...a funk a lethargy, and a total lack of energy. But the creative spark is still there as evidenced by your beautiful work.
I know it feels like taking 2 steps forward and then 3 back but when your body is ready, you'll be back to full strength and you'll accomplish all those things you have planned.
Gathering inspiration when you are "flat" is the best thing to do -- you'll store it up like vitamin C.
Hope you are feeling better soon! xo
Marsha, blog hopping is how I find my inspiration as well!! There is just something about seeing the many talented blog artist that is so inspiring!! I know exactly how your body feels. I had a terrible case of sinusitis and when I came home from work, just couldn't make myself go to the computer and create. But, the hope of spring seems to help. I'm so looking forward to your new creations! And love the two above. Sometimes it's how I feel, a little askew and wanting to just say malarkey and why oh why can't I fly! Great job in expressing how all of us feel sometimes!!
I'm sorry you've been under the weather. I had to take two days off work for the same thing. Ugh... I hate missing work and having to use precious sick time.
As for people waiting for new stuff...MEEEEEE!!!! ; )
Marsha, sorry your still feeling 'yucko'(not sure if that is even a word). Feel better soon, and yes, I am one of those who will wait for your new collage sheets. It is totally worth it. Get rest.
Big Bummer that you're still not feeling well, Marsha! I'm sending lots of happy thoughts your way. Seeing your artwork is always inspirational for me. You captured a case of "the blahs" perfectly!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Marsh, sounds like you have a classic case of what I call the CBAs (can't be arsed). When my brain is too full, my workspace too messy, or I simply don't have the energy, it's usually because the CBAs have kicked in. You'll beat it sooner or later, just go with the flow:-)
Hi Marsha! Just wanted to wish you a "get well soon"!
Dear Marsha,
I do hope you will be feeling better soon! Fresh inspiration will come to you soon!
Wishing you a wonderful spring day!
I can't find issues of Sommerset in the Netherlands - I would LOVE to see your name pop up flipping through the magazine... mail art! Yummie!!! Hope your flu (mood) is getting in the right direction now: Spring-ish, sunny and warm!
hope you are feeling better soon. nothing worse than not feeling up to snuff and not being able to feel like creating. but it's the ebb and flo of life. we all go through that from time to time. i am sure you'll be finding your way back soon!
Hi Marsha! Just sailing in to say "Ehhh" to "Ehhh"! I have no idea what I just said. What I meant to say was I hope the "Ehhhs" leave and you get tapped on the head by the Creative Fairy (gently). Somehow I think that you and she are already very good friends. :) xox Pam
Hi there...sorry to hear you were feeling yucky. I LOVE your malarkey image! So cool! And congrats on your gorgeous mail art making it into Somerset Studio!
That's so cool that your label was there and you know what? I have kept the very same label that you once used on a package for me! I loved it THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS much! Heh! Anyone one buy it? heheheehheee - maybe one day I'll sell it at an auction in NYC - get megabucks!
But your latest 3 peices you have up here Marsha - they are amazing - you really have a way of expressing your mood visually so amazingly well and with such exquisite soulful feeling! You may be sick still, but I know your heart is still as big as the moon.
Get well soon.
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