Today I went to the Rose Bowl Flea Market with my daughter and good friends. They were Christmas shopping in the new stuff so I didn't get to look quite as much as I would've liked in the antique stuff but they were very patient to let me do some quick loops through the good stuff. I did find a little tin fish mold, which I collect (and I'll post pictures of someday), and these vintage bottle labels. You are welcome to copy these and use them however you'd like. (You can click on the images to make them larger then save - I scanned at 2400 dpi so they should be pretty sharp for you)

We then attempted to go to the mall and continue shopping after that, but the parking lot alone with all of its traffic directors and angry honking drivers scared us away - no telling what chaos we would have found in the mall itself. So, we went to have a late lunch at a favorite and famous spot in Los Angeles . . .

If you watch the beginning of Little Miss Sunshine, you will see them bring home and have dinner around just such a bucket of fried chicken. You will also see the exact same painting hanging over their fireplace that we have hanging over ours - something my hubby's parents bought when they first bought this house around 1965.

I am only postponing folding white clothes (my absolute least favorite to fold - so many socks to match up) and writing that darn Christmas letter. First, I am going to do some online shopping, then fold. Tomorrow I HAVE to go shopping and find something for my dad so I can mail their box off and then I have to go to an event for someone else tomorrow night. I hate not having time to make art.
Follow up on ". . . I'm angry" post - I did get a very apologetic and nice thorough message from the seller today. Still no postcard, but I am convinced she did her best and I am the victim of "lost mail". Feel much better about the whole situation.
First of all cool painting. Covered bridges are awesome! I think there is a band of trolls hiding inside that one. I can just tell, it has that covered bridge troll marauder's hang-out sort of look.
Fear not though, not all marauding trolls are bad.
Secondly I havn't been to a Flea Market in yeaaaarrs. The last one was in Riverside and we were so disappointed because it was like going to a .99 cent store, which I have no problem with, except if I go to a flea market I want Old Aunt Susan's discarded doilies, Little Jimmies broken firetrucks and Cousin Bills disturbing and complete collection of National Geographic magazines.
However there was ONE booth that was cool at that flea market and I bought dentist tools that I use for sculpting and they were the best 3 bucks a piece I ever spent!
Thirdly, you do realize that bucket of chicken isn't slim jims? And I was led to believe you consume only slim jims and coke from Big Gulp containers. hmmmm.
Fourthly, if for no other reason than I just want to use the word "fourthly", it sucks you had a negative experience with that seller but I'm glad it has a semi happy ending in that she ended up making nice. That's cool. Mail being lost sucks major donkey azz though so sorry and I will thinks good thoughts for your mail and hope it turns up or at least the Postal Worker who absconded with it is enjoying it. (ha ha ha)
Fifthly my french fries are almost done so I am going to quit blabbing.
Sixthly, I lied I'm not done yet. Wait, I am.
You made beer come out my nose.
I would love to go to the Rose Bowl flea market one day! Chicken in a bucket? I would fly to L.A just for that!
I'm sorry you didn't get your postcard. That sucks! Hope you're doing better and love your photos.
Beer out of your nose? Dang, that's awesome. If we had a score board tally going that right there would be worth at least 17 points.
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