Christine . . .

3 3/4 x 4 3/4 collage using a digital vintage photo from , and wings from Great Musings, all manipulated in photoshop, reprinted, carefully trimmed, and re-colored and retouched by hand. These elements were arranged on a double background of watercolored paper with handmade trim.
The next two pieces use images from Patty, who owns Lisa's Altered Art (Lisa is her daughter), has been wonderful to work with. She has lots of wings and children pictures that I have had the most fun with today - like playing with paper dolls. I have linked her website on the right side of my blog too. A fantastic caring lady and great source for images.
And, I used glitter. Yes, me, I used glitter on something. I love, love, love glitter and sparkles and twinkles, but I am not very good at its dispersal. I used Ice Stickles on the piece below.
Sparkle Fairy . . .

3 3/4 x 4 3/4 collage using a digital vintage photo, wings, and wand from, all manipulated in photoshop, reprinted, carefully trimmed, and re-colored by hand. These elements were arranged on a double background of watercolored paper and embellished with Ice Stickles.
Pouty Fairy . . .

3 3/4 x 4 3/4 collage using a digital vintage photo, wings, and crown from, all manipulated in photoshop, reprinted, carefully trimmed, and re-colored by hand. These elements were arranged on a double background of watercolored paper.
Wonderful, wonderful, work! I LOVE purple..all the GKs know it is my favorite color!!!
These words hold no meaning for me.
I have to turn a blind eye to them, the unassuming plain font of your question mocks my very lack of Holiday dressings. I have yet to partake in anything except for one wreath upon our door.... Me! See, for you to understand it's like saying Mrs. Clause hasn't baked no cookies yet, that's how mind blowingly bizarre it is that my tree is still naked, as it's dang had to decorate it when it's still in pieces, stored in bags, tucked under the work bench aka junk holding spot in the garage.
You wanna know how sad this lack of decorating for Christmas is? The BANK has a tree up, and I don't. Not that I'm bitter......or thinking dark malevolent thoughts about all the tree-up-ing people who are besting me with their Christmas decorating time finding skills.
The good news, my husband reminds me, it's not a race, to which I respond HA! And secondly he reminds me we can leave our tree up as long as we like. Plus I have to admit it's more fun to get all holly jolly spirited and start trimming the branches when the time is right rather than frantically flinging decorations about so I can meet some imaginary dead line in my head before I officially become grinchy.
Also we are hermits and never have any one over so if worse comes to worse and my tree isn't up by New Years I will just email last year's tree photos to all the relatives and say it's this years. muaaaahhh ahh ahh (evil laugh)
Your fairy collages are awesome as always. The pouty faced one really caught me, can't imagine why I could relate to that one so well.....
I love the glitter, now I am off to put up the outside decorations while I have a chance!
Ms. Tumble Fish, I know, I mean I just KNOW you have been on the edge of your seat, chewing on your own knuckles worried about my lack of tree upped-ness. Every once in a great while the world does one of those fantastic collective indrawn breaths when something awesome happens, even if you don't know what, you just suck in a breath anyways cause all your neighbors are doing it.....Feel that breeze a while ago?
A HA! We have our tree up! UP! And the world gasped as one and we stood and beheld our beeeautiful albeit artificial tree.
I shall confess it's undecorated but it's a pre-lit deal so press a button and instant lights! I need to do the *fluffing* thing to it as well, but for the moment, if you tilt your head to the left and squint your eyes and look out through a veil of your own's looking pretty darn festive here!
Hope your tree decking is going swell!
Ohhh, Christmas's how to get through that little chore...don't do 'em. *wild cackling* hahaha I'm soooo evil, once upon a time I DID send cards out so I am sure all the relatives now EXPECT cards but just to keep things interesting I DON'T send them when they expect them and then my Mom can get all the phone calls, of which I'm sure there will be an avalanche, of people crying "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat happpppened? Did they fall off the face of the earth?????"
I've never done this but I keep meaning to send like January 27th cards, ya know, just for no reason. And by that time all the holiday stuff will be taken down and then MY card will be the star attraction. Instead of being lost in a sea of cards mine will have the place of honor in the middle of the nice. Sometimes in an alternate fantasy it's not the middle of the table but on the window sill, that's pretty exciting stuff too......
I made a comment and decided it was enough to leave as a post. thanks for the post fodder, Tace! You inspire me so.
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