The surprise part promised . . . Teresa, Renae, Marcia, Sandra, Tace, Cindy, Linda, and Vicki - you all win an Oscar Mayer Weiner whistle because everyone should have at least one. Suzan and Jill, you get one too even though you didn't comment because you usually do and have just been crazy busy. I had 10 comments on this post and only 2 of them were mine! Much better than my usuall 1 or 2 comments and 5 of my own. I may give prizes away more often! You all sucked up sufficiently and entertained me in a worthy manner. So, you have your choice of either a glow in the dark whistle or a regular weiner-colored one (whatever you call that color). Just send me your address - you can email me at and I will have them on their way in the next couple of days.
For the grand prize of a smile on a stick AND a glow in the dark weiner whistle, we will draw this name fair and square . . . and the weiner, I mean winner is . . . . as I reach into my hat to draw . . .

Isn't the antipation killing you? The grand prize winner is Renae also known as stampsalot87! Yay, Renae, my old hiking and costume party pal!
I have Christmas stuff to finish the next day or two so if I don't show up here, never fear. And, I may, can't ever tell when I will get the uncontrollable urge to create or post or both! Have a good week everybody and good luck getting everything done that you need to. Remember to take care of yourself with some down time too!
wowsers, I never win anything. It must be the vibes I am putting off and you are distracting me with the excitement. (daughter's plane arrives in about two hours, the wait is killing me, but now I can be SOOO excited to have won. I think I need to go out and buy a lottery ticket, I bet if I peruse your blog I can come up with 6 good numbers.
Thanks so much for the gifts, I really am excited!!!
Did you hear that?
That scream?
That was me. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I waaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnt a wiener coloured wiener whistle.
Nay, I NEED a wiener colored wiener whistle.
Thank-youuuuu! :)
Did you hear that again? One more scream of wienerly joy. Couldn't help myself.
Oh I soooo thrilled!! thank you! My own Oscar Meyer Weiner Whistle Yay!! The kids just better STAY AWAY.....
You are not just talented but very generous!
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