That little dark patch bothers me. This picture has not been manipulated in any way except for adding the arrow, of course. That little dark blue patch should not be there. Take a closer look. If you left click on the picture below it will open larger in another screen.

What the heck is that? It can't be the sky behind the cloud because the cloud is too thick and fluffy. Notice the edge of the cloud on either side of it - this blue "thing" seems to be in front of that edge on the right and behind a bit of cloud on the left. It really is kind of remarkable to me. It looks a bit like a butterfly wing, doesn't it? Hmmmmm, maybe it is an alien space craft made to look like a giant butterfly. Maybe it is an angel peeking at me and not hiding or ducking down quite fast enough for my speedy cloud picture taking skills. Maybe I AM losing my mind as I have recently suspected!
By the way, I am obsessed with taking cloud pictures here. I've taken like 400 of them. We don't get these kinds of clouds in SoCal often. It's either sunny or gray - no in between that often and not enough open space to take pix when we get the occasional vibrant blue with white fluff stuff going on.
We were in a Tornado Watch last night here. It's been a long time since I've been in one of those. Kinda got me nervous. I am not as scared of earthquakes as I am tornadoes sneaking up on me.
I get to go home tomorrow night. Wow . . . I can't believe it. I have mixed feelings about it. I can't wait to be home, dread the night flight, hate to leave, etc. My dad is doing okay, not as good as I hoped at this point but I had no idea what to expect. I am pretty worried about some stuff going on and am not sure what the future holds at all . . . AT ALL. I am trying very hard not to "borrow trouble". It's too difficult to write about right now. I am in one of those places of just having to completely trust my higher power and that it will have me be where I need to be when I need to be there and with enough strength to handle the next few months. I hope that is my guardian angel in that cloud.
I am sure those are angel wings...I know you are surrounded by them right now...Fly high and safely on those wings, lovely Marsha.
I think it's a wing of your guardian angel! Have a safe flight. When you have time email your address, you won when you correctly guessed Formica! I'll be sending you a mini collage necklace made with it.
Love those clouds:) We rarely get them like that.
I am not sure what that little triangle is but it's winking at you:)
Sending you good thoughts.
My son has always dubbed these types of fluffy clouds, "Care Bear clouds"! I'm sure an angel was peeking thru that little blue window! Have a safe, uneventful flight! Hugs, Terri xoxo
PS - Congrats on winning one of Melissa's pendants! Your lucky winning streak continues!!!
I am sure your guardian angel is peeking out watching over you from that blue spot in the cloud.
Keep your head in the clouds and let your higher power balance your worries and relieve your cares. It is hard to do coming from one who professes to be a worry wort to another who does also!
I know your flight will be safe and you will be protected as you fly home. Thank heavens for telephones and Internet our families are only a push of a mouse or a button away. What glorious times we live in:)
As to your lovely post on my blog the one that made me smile from ear to ear because it is from a dear friend....
I am so glad you did NOT blow away last night in a tornado! I hate them but have become so used to them here in Oklahoma did you know we have more Tornados here per year than any other state in the USA! Anyway I live in a natural low which is a blessing when the storms come in they always part right around this little 4 mile stretch which I am so pleased to live in. It always makes me laugh because gosh darn it is like clock work we watch the radar and there are storms all around us and one little clear spot near I-40 west and that is right where I live!!!! No Drama or running to the cellar which really is a relief but sometimes we go such a long time without rain! And we have been waiting for 5 years for enough snow to get out the sled we purchased and have never used! AHHH I guess you take the good with the bad.
BTW I do love the dark backgrounds I am drawn to them their dark rich tones I have a hard time looking at anything else. Sometimes I think it is a little bit gothic but I can live with that:) They are warm and inviting and you can add so much color to them!
Have a safe trip.
Love all of the recent photos- you can never have too many cloud photos -(even ones with mystery holes!) Thank you for your lovely comments and have a smooth trip home!
I swear! I have no romance in my soul. It just looks like a space amidst the cloud formations to me. OK OK It was left there as your guardian angel flew through! Safe trip home, my dear. Can't wait to see you arting again!
Oh you party pooper! I'm just kidding. I am still investigating . . .
Definitely an alien spaceship shaped like a butterfly wing. :) You will have a safe trip home - straight to your loving family and all will be well, sweet Marsha. Can't wait to see you posting lovely new pieces!!! xoxoxox Pam
How very strange indeed! Now I usually see flying pigs and circus bears in the clouds, but that odd little wing, surely is strange! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
yapping cat
oh i could tell you those are angel wings...but looks like every one else has already done that. so i'll just bust your bubble, sort of like a smack you might get from some one when you least expect it, and say it was caused by condensation! haha oh my gawd..i'm laughing. sorry. you wouldn't expect any less from me, um...eeerrrr....would you?
OHMYGOSH, we were just talking about watching films in school the other day...how funny..that was my fav thing, to hear the projector whirling and see those films...I love to take cloud shots too..have files and files of them from out here in the prairie...Hugs and prayers your way for a safe trip home and your Dad's recovery!
I vote for it being your guardian angel, too! Thanks for reminding me about Leonard Nimoy's "In Search of..." I had forgotten all about how much I loved to watch that! Have a safe flight and happy landings!
I am so excited for you to get home. I am glad your dad is doing better and know he will continue to improve. Great cloud shot I have one for you I will try and find it and post it on my blog for you...Hugs, Diane
Your blog just sort of wooed me over to it and now I don't want to leave ~ it is beautiful and so full of interesting reads and views! Blessings and Delights, Katie
I like your new blog, although I liked the black of the old one I must admit this one is easier to read. Have a safe trip home and know you are returning to a tornado free zone!
I think Yoda might be behind the fluffy cloud and that's his ear poking out.
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