copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 7/21/09
You MAY copy this image for the sole purpose of displaying on your blog or website IF it is linked back to this flickr group http://www.flickr.com/groups/stopartpiracycampaign You may NOT use any piece of this image for your own artwork or any other publication or reproduction.
Image credits - legs are from my own vintage postcard, face is from kumareeboo.etsy.com, arms from iktupilli.etsy.com, body and crown made from pieces from LandofEnchantment.etsy.com, Sande Krieger, and flickr's 'Playingwithbrushes', and wings from Dover clipart. All were digitally altered, reprinted, hand trimmed and hand colored and attached to a background made from flickr's 'Playingwithbrushes'.
You do not have to give a long credit line to me, just a brief tiny credit by name only IF YOU WISH, but please link it back to the flickr group. Thanks!
Marsha, I am so impressed that you took this problem and made something not only beautiful but informative. I will put this both on my blog and on my Flickr with proper credit.
Just perfect Marsha!!
Your awesome Copyright Fairy will be displayed with pride! Thank you, Marsha! Hugs, Terri xoxo
I LOVE this!!!!!!!! It is perfection. It's on my blog with credits....great job!!!!
Hi Marsha, I LOVE what you are doig here and the moment I learn how to link that lovely picture to the flickr link I will post it on my blog too - you are an inspriation and lets hope this lovely picture deters the copy-cats out there, if most of us have it displayed on our blogs! :D lots of hugs, Val xoxo
YUP I just did it and linked it and it looks MAGIC on the top of my blog page!!! Thank you buddy :D
Wonderful Marsha...I'm going to see if I can use my Einstein brain to link this. Now, this is something positive!
Hi Marsha - Fantastic poster - beautiful artwork with a message. I have uploaded it on to my blog at the top right hand corner which makes it VERY conspicuous. Anyone who visits can't help but notice it and read it. It is linked to your Flickr campaign website. I plan to join create my own copyright warning for posting on the new website.
I'm also impressed with your positive spin on a difficult situation. I have proudly added it to my blog with a design credit to you :) Thanks! Julia
Hey Tumble Fish,
Just saw this...quite the colourful and conspicuous creation!I"ve put a poster about the big anti-piracy day up over on mine, (with thanks to Howard Pyle)...Will be sure and side-bar it up top come September
Hi Marsha,
Great action, beautiful work, I put it on my blog with link,
aha...processing through artwork and delivering a clear message...love it!!! thanks for the great inspiration!!!
I've been a bzzy wizzy crafting bee so I've been slack about commenting, BUT I am so glad you had a peaceful resolution to your copyright conflict. I think the attitude you had about it was inspiring and I really love that instead of letting it get you down you're striving to make something useful and creative from a negative thing!!! You rock! I love your "Get Permission" gal, very coooool! So sleeeeeepy now, off to bed, incoherency starting in 3, 2,...ZZzzzzzzzzz
I also want to join create my own copyright warning art piece for posting on the new website.
But it maybe some time next week.
In the mean time I have the link and picture on my blog so other can get the information.
Thats a wonderful blog, I´m going to follow it ;0)
This is just perfect Marsha!!!
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