Leave a comment on this post to win one of these published original collages! It's a quick draw . . . I'll be choosing a winner this Sunday!
These are from the Good Little Witches suite published in two Somerset magazines. The first and larger one was published in the 2009 Holidays and Celebrations issue, Vol. 3, that just came out a few weeks ago.
Good Little Witches
copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 4/14/09. All rights reserved. You may not copy, print, download, or use these images in any way without my permission. Image credits at end of post.
These smaller pieces were published in the Sep/Oct 2009 issue.
copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 4/14/09. All rights reserved. You may not copy, print, download, or use these images in any way without my permission. Image credits at end of post.
copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 4/14/09. All rights reserved. You may not copy, print, download, or use these images in any way without my permission. Image credits at end of post.
copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 4/14/09. All rights reserved. You may not copy, print, download, or use these images in any way without my permission. Image credits at end of post.That's a total of four original collages I'll be sending out to 4 lucky winners! Just leave a comment below and you'll be entered into the drawing. Be sure your name is linked or you leave me a way to contact you in the comment!
Linda of Just My Little Bit blog (linked if you run your cursor over it) left me such a lovely award a few days ago! Thank you, Linda! One of my most favorite things about blogging is meeting new people, their blogs, and all of the blogs they have linked. I can spend hours and hours going from one lovely blog to another, which I have done several times this week.

"Rules, (as I borrowed them from Linda's blog), are to pass the award onto 15 blogs you think should be named Best Blog. Then visit the blog and leave them a message to let them know. Those are the rules but since rules are meant to be broken, I think you should pass on the award to as many as you are comfortable giving it to …. even if it’s not 15. The award should be heart felt."
Whenever I've gotten awards, as most of you do, I've told you it is really hard to pick and to remember who you've given things to before. I could give this to everyone in my links with all sincerity, but there a few that I have just discovered and spent a lot of time visiting lately . . . (they are linked if you click on them, for some reason the link color isn't showing up)
Two Dresses Studio
Julia & Co
Love of Collage
Vintage Susie and Wings
ArTick (which I most recently discovered!
I have been working this week - hours and hours of looking for new images. I am thinking about getting a small part time job just for a few months and want a full library of images ready so I can keep up with making new art pieces. I have several in the works at various stages. I have also been researching other people's art, looking for inspiration to take my work a bit further - it's been a week of invisioning things, getting new perspectives and I feel so ready to work now!
My back is all normal again. I love chiropractors - they are magic I think. We have discovered some itty bitty mice in the house so I am on a two day cleaning palooza around here - today and tomorrow and then Saturday has soccer games. I'll be in and out until later in the weekend, which I hope is wonderful, restful, and creative for all of you!
Good Little Witches image credits: The smaller three pieces are 3 1/2 x 5 and the larger piece is 5 x 7. These collages were made using black and white images from the public domain. The images were manipulated digitally for contrast and brightness and some focus, and the faces were enlarged separately. The hats were found in a catalog and scanned, also manipulated for contrast and printed in black in white. After printing the images, they were trimmed and hand-colored using a variety of ink markers and powder pastels and then arranged, heads and hats attached to bodies, and all attached to papers from 7 Gypsies, Graphic 45, and Paper Pizazz.