My daughter is turning the corner and feeling better. She is wiped out but doing much better. Yay!
Drawing winners from Sunday are in this post. There are 10 winners in all so if you entered and haven't checked to see, you'd better go look now!
Here's where I am so far on my Collage Dreams on Paper class with Nancy Baumiller. You have never seen a more busy piece from me and might not ever again . . . and it's not done yet! We still have more to add and more to learn! Oh my . . . the crazy person is not attached yet and I may end up changing it. I'm beginning to look at it and think it looks like I tried to fit in all 10,000 pieces of my scraps in it. But, I am learning a lot and I'm so glad I am taking the class.

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 10/24/09. All rights reserved. Do not copy, print, download or use without permission. Image credits will be posted when the piece is finished.

I sure hope you do more...this is pure magic!
Glad your daughter is feeling better. This flu is a scary thing for people. I'm glad it is behind you.
Hello Ms. TumbleFish, I too an happy your daughter is feeling better. It's scary when a loved one is sick, so powerless feeling. Glad to know she's on the mend!
Glad to know Daughter is on the mend !
This piece is busy yet still you, with that Marsha edge. Lots of lovely juicy details to explore. Looks like you are having fun.
Sending big hugs !
Read the sad post We too have a son that the mother seems to do all the wrong things with .WE believe in tough love , treatment and the 12 steps . She likes looking into past lives ,Shamans dream work and channeling etc... to heal the drug and alcohol problem .Plus a lot of enabling like paying for his life style and upkeep and there for drug use. It is very sad. Fathers sometimes get the short end of the stick.
I really like this piece Marsha; looks like you're having so much fun in class! Glad your daughter is feeling better too. I'm thinking of you and your family as you mark this sad anniversary of loss. Your friends are blessed to have you and your family to share their memories. I wish for all of you a blessed week.
I'm happy your daughter is feeling better. And your collage is stunning.
Glad your daughter is feeling better:) Love your collage!
Glad your daughter is feeling better. It's an awesome piece of work!!
OMG! Your page is awesome! I LOVE IT...I haven't even started mine thankful to hear that your daughter is on the mend! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!
So, so glad to hear your daughter is feeling better. This piece is a bit different than your usual stuff - BUT - "you" are still in there. I really like it. - Kathy
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