The winner of Sady is Leslie who remains blogless despite the urging of many of us!
The winner of Jack is Kathy (in Chicago) of A Spectacular Mess (what a great blog name!)
And the winner of the larger Good Little Witches piece is Danny of fiDOArt
You winners, please send me your addresses ASAP so I can try and get these to you by Halloween. Just email me at
There are more winners!
For the rest of you, I have drawn six other names to complete my part of two very special prizes I won earlier this year. One from Terri of Pringle Hill and one from Cathy of Reflections of a Ramblin' Girl. Both of these talented ladies had a drawing to win a surprise piece of art sometime in the year after the drawing. The recipients of the prizes had to also promise to pay it forward and send three more pieces of art to three other people. So, the six of you listed below need to send me your addresses as well so that I can truly surprise you sometime in the next 12 months with a piece of art from little ol' me. You may receive a set of limited edition prints, several ATC's or a larger original piece - time will tell and you will just have to wait and see. I may contact you just before mailing so you know to look for it in your mailbox. Now, you were not given the opportunity to enter into this drawing and may not wish to participate by sending on three pieces yourself. In this case, I say you can fudge if you promise to do three random acts of kindness in whatever way you can, whether it is sending art or doing something special for someone who needs it. I leave it up to you.
These winners are . . .
Theresa in MS
Jill of Third Age Musings
Janny of Tricolore
Elizabeth of The Last Door Down the Hall
Shannon of SaturdayVille
Michelle of Lost Coast Post
Daughter is still very sick and I just try to lay near her most of the time. This is definitely one of the worst illnesses we've seen in her 16 years - maybe one other time years ago. I didn't worry too much about all the swine flu hoopla until now - it's kinda scary when someone is this sick and nothing much anyone can do and reading how it can be harder on young strong healthy folks because their immune systems fight with such power it kind of backfires on 'em. So, I may not be around much until she is better. I do have to say she probably caught it from her 17 year old brother who probably caught it from my husband but the two guys were just down and out like a regular flu. It's weird that it has hit Lauren so hard.
My son sent me to this very cool website - little people - this kind of work fascinates me so! Enjoy!

Wow this is so cool I think I would like to do the three RAK's. If you wouldn't mind emailing me at
I will send you my snail addy.
On another note, I am not sure how long your daughter has been sick but Tamiflu will cut some of the time and help with some of the symptoms.
I had lunch with some hospital friends last week and we talked about this - they said they were thinking hormone levels have a lot to do with how you react - I have just heard it is miserable. I do hope for a speedy recovery for your daughter. It is scary to see our loved ones sick. I am sending blessings your way.
Marsha, First and foremost, I hope your daughter gtes better very quickly. These super flu's we have anymore are so scarey to me. I actually take an injection twice a week for my arthritis which in turn lowers my immune system. I'm honestly very worried about catching this H1N1 or anything similiar. Last spring I had the worst flu of my life and I never want to go through that again. At any rate, I just hope your daughter gets better and is back to her old self very soon. It's really weird how it's affecting the younger kids more. My prayers are with her.
I am so elated there was a secret giveaway and I was one of the lucky winners. Are you kidding me, I'd do 20 "pay it forward's" if it meant getting one of your original pieces of artwork. I've been dying to get my hands on one of your pieces. Yeah!!!! I'm so excited Marsha. I can't wait. Thank you so much.
Ahhh! Thanks you two!
And, Elizabeth . . . Lauren is taking Tamiflu. Gosh, if it is helping I'd hate to see her without it. Just getting up, walking to the bathroom makes her go pale like a ghost and short of breath. She has barely moved since Friday. Miserable is an understatement. Hope I don't get it next!
Such a nice surprise to wake up to. Thank you, Marsha! I can't wait to see Jack up close and in person.
As for your daughter, I hope and pray she rallies around soon. This is scary stuff and at 16 we worry about many other things, but certainly not the flu. Take care of your family and take care of you.
Marsha, I'm so sorry to read of your daughters illness. If it helps to know, my cousin had Swine flu and so did an entire family of friends ranging from a baby of 9 months to the grandfather who is in his 60s. They all recovered and are now fine.My cousin had complications but a week being looked after in hospital sorted that out.You're all in my thoughts x
Congrat's to all the winners !! I'm hoping your daughter is feeling better soon. Hugs!
oooo dear, hope your dear daughter is feeling better soon....thank you for sarah though!
Am keeping your daughter in my thoughts and prayers. Here's hoping that she's over the worst of it.
Congrats to all of the winners. I love the idea of the RAKs! Love, Hugs, and Good "healing" vibes. Terri xoxo
I am so happy that I won Sady!! What a nice surprise to wake up to!
And, Marsha, I really hope your daughter stops being sick very soon...I got my flu shot a few weeks ago. The flu is nothing to take lightly.
I hope your daughter gets well soon!!!
Boy Marsha, Hope she is better soon. Sorry she got so sick. Been missing you lately Marsha, we were out of town for a week so I didn't blog much and I am not in many swap over at AM. Just don't seem to be enough hours in the day. Sending some blessings your way for your daughter and you so you don't get this bug. Hugs, Diane
Thanks for dropping by and letting me know I am in your draw - now I feel I have arrived in blog-land!!Very exciting.
So sorry to hear your daughter is still poorly, it is doing the rounds here in the UK too. Best wishes for her speedy recovery.
OH my Marsha!!! What a scary thing. I haven't popped by because I have been down for 2 weeks with the swine flu. I will keep your daughter in my prayers and pray YOU don't get it!
And a big CONGRATULATIONS!!!! To the very lucky winners of your give away! I know each one will treasure whatever the recieve:)
Have a magical week
No better gift for me than knowing I've won something from Marsha! I am over the moon knowing that I'll be getting something from the Tumblefish LOL! I will gladly (and humbly) give away 3 pieces to pay it forward. That's just what I need to get my inspiration fired up. I'm almost to the 100th post on my blog and have been trying to think of something to do to mark the occasion. Now to figure out what to make to give away that will be worth winning. No pressure at all there for this artist wanna-be!!!
Thank you zillions Marsha; you are the best! I sure hope your DD gets to feeling better soon and that you don't get it too. My DH has 'the crud' and I'm just now getting over a mild case of it. It's definitely no fun but it does end. Hang in there and I'm sending you Big Virtual Hugs!!!
p.s. my email is theresainms (at) hotmail (dot) com if you need my info now.
Oh, Marsha! I hope your baby gets better soon. There is nothing worse than having a sick chicklet. I will keep her in my prayers. You get rest, too. xoxoxoxox Pam
Yes, I am really happy that I won something from you. Can't wait;o)
Thank you so much! And ofcourse I pay it forward!
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