So tomorrow, it's back to making art. I have one started I can't wait to finish. Thanks for all of your help everybody! Oh! And before I forget, here's a helpful hint from my buddy Tace's computery husband (left in a comment on another post - thanks Tace and hubby!) "My husband said it's not monitor size that's determining whether people can see the (blog sides) stripes it's what their resolutions are set at. He said 44% of users have a 1024 x 768 resolution. When I set my monitor's resolution to that I can't see the (blog sides) stripes but I when I look at my normal resolution, 1680 x 1050 I can see em fine and dandy." I have since removed the sides I had up (I ended up with just a solid white background for now), but thought I'd share the tip in case you can't see people's blog sides (and some are so darn cool!), you can try adjusting your monitor resolution.

I readjusted mine and I still can't see the sides :-(
This is a bit 'plain vanilla' for you my friend..but ok for now :) Like the dream piece you last posted..
Wow! I love the way you keep changing it up and raising the bar, Marsha! You deserve a LOT of credit for being so brave and adventurous. I tried to just save a copy of my template and lost everything! LOL! Seriously, this is looks Grrrr-eat! Kudos & Hugs, Terri xoxo
Looking good!! Job well done!
Marsha I just love the new look of your blog. The blog banner is awesome. It really shows off your work so much better and it catches the eye of the viewer immediately (not that you need any help in getting the viewers attention to your work). I respectfully disagree quite a bit with Tina's comments, unless of course she's just being silly. It's great!!
LOVE the banner and the new look of your blog. You have done a fabulous job, Marsha! Enjoy your day and make some fab art :-)
Thanks you guys! I still haven't decided if I like it or not. It DOES seem kind of blank and blah to me at times and other times I like the simplicity. Like Tina, I want to go hog wild and fill up the space and like others of you, I like the way it "breathes". We'll see if it sticks with me. Adjusting your blog, once you start, is addictive!
I like the new blog design - it´s not too stuffed, and I have the feeling that it takes less time to open than the old one (I´m on DSL but some blogs are too stuffed even for that).
I have a cable modem and this layout seems to load faster than the old one. And I think this one shows off your work wonderfully! I like it better without music, so it would be great if one could opt out of the audio.
Hi Marsha, i am just catching up on blogging as have been out of it a bit lately. I hope all is good with you and i love what you have been doing with your blog. brilliant work and as always your art recently is breathtaking
hugs June xxxx
I always look at your blog, but have never commented before. Your work is always gorgeous, but I really really like your header! (I couldn't see the naked men either, despite all best attempts!)
I saw the naked men but they were an odd green color. Did you mean for that to happen?? hee-hee-hee
Love the new look to your blog.
Kathy in Chicago
It looks terrific. Your work is great. Love it!
That header is magnificent and I like the dividers with the stripes and's all so professional...and the naked men are a nice touch for those of us with 'the gift'!
Thanks for all your sweet comments Marsha! I really like your new blog look, nice and crisp and sharp...just like you girl!!
Love your new blog header! html is a headache isn't it? The layout is very pleasing to the eye, and I think we all need 3 columns because we have so much to say and so much to share. Dream Police is wonderful, love the faces and the physiques! But I am Really in love with Blue Yonder, the colors are so striking. I showed all my co-workers your latest Works in Somerset Studio. I am soooooo proud of what you accomplish with so much talent, originality and class!! xoSusan
Marsha, I think your changes are totally awesome!!! I feel your art work, stands out more now. I love visiting your blog,such a pleasure. You are so talented and love the bright happy colors in your art.
The banner is so wonderful, too.
Sometimes less is more or depends on your mood at the time. LOL
Whatever you do,works for me.
Have a great day, you even have bonus men too view too. haha.
Hugs, Laura. Fabulous "Blog Award" from me to you !!!!
This looks great. I never even knew about blog sides so I will never miss them ;)
You are such a ego booster Marsha! Thanks for your thoughts on my dress. I usually slop around in my Granddad's old jumper and a pair of baggy pants so this will be fun! Im sure you'll look smashing at the wedding you are going to too.
I'm loving the new look, it's beautiful! But yeah, I can't see the sides either...
It looks marvelous & I love the new really shows off your style of art better then the last one!!! Congrats on such a nice job. :)
Love the new naked men - mine are along the edges. Is that the way it's supposed to be? xox Pam
PS You have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more energy than I do. :)
I looooove your header! Congrats on your sassy makeover!
I love it! So bright and cheery!
Marsha, I love your blog - with or without my sunshades on! Great style and you certainly have worked hard! =)
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