I started this last night and finished this morning. The arms in this body just totally brought to mind an attitude. Because the movie referenced in this piece is not a typical chick flick and most of my audience consists of chicks, the title and text at the very bottom of the piece comes from a very famous quote from Rober De Niro's character Travis Bickle in the 1976 movie Taxi Driver. "You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?" I swear, if I cross my muse, she just ups and leaves so here is a tribute to my Muse and her demeanor. I completely respect you, my little Muse.
Muse-itude: Are you talkin' to me?

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 10/15/09. All rights reserved. You may NOT copy, print, download, or use this image in any way without my permission.
This is a 5 x 7 collage using a face from moonfaires.etsy.com, a torso from Blanca at magicmoonlightfreeimages.blogspot.com, a skirt from cemerony.etsy.com, partial crown from spiceitup.etsy.com, and boots scanned and altered from a magazine. The wings are from Butterly Utopia and used with a purchased commercial license. These pieces were all reprinted, trimmed with scissors, and hand colored (skirt only colored with a wash). The floor is from flickrs 'Playingwithbrushes' and the striped borders are from Anahata Katkin's Spare Parts. These pieces were also reprinted, hand cut and shaded. The main background was made with textures and brushes from flickr's moosebite and anwphotography and brushes from i-m-u.net found at brusheezy.com. The taxi is from desinger Holliewood Studios at Oscraps.com, used with a purchased commercial license and added digitally to the background after some manipulation. Most of the words were piece together from various ephemera in the public domain, altered digitally, reprinted, hand trimmed with scissors, shaded, and attached.
(detail view)

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 10/15/09. All rights reserved. You may NOT copy, print, download, or use this image in any way without my permission.
Now I have to share a lovely, lovely gift I got last week in the mail from my friend Cathy at Reflections of a Ramblin' Girl (aka Pingbirdgirl on flickr). A few months ago, on her blog, she had a Three Surprises drawing. The idea was to send finished pieces of art as a surprise to three other bloggers sometime during the next year. The lucky recipient also has to have a drawing for Three Surprises. I'll be posting my drawing soon, but until then, enjoy the gorgeous work of Cathy Mendola. (I linked the picture to Cathy's flickr post of this piece so you can see it better. She works in so many mediums, you need to have a look at this woman's whole flickr and then stop in her Etsy.)

(I borrowed your picture, Cathy, hope you don't mind. I linked it to your flickr. It doesn't fit on my scanner and camera is away from the house at the moment.)

Is that Janet Liegh (sp?)? Love your muse. Mine is on holiday for a few weeks, I think. The least she could do is send a flippin' postcard. :) Lovely work! xo Pam
Don't you love it when a contact's new post pops up when your viewing your dashboard - your images are always so striking and I am continually amazed at your patience in creating your pieces.
Oh Marsha! I just love this newest piece, she's beautiful! Your previous piece is also gorgeous! You keep getting better and better.
So glad you like your piece of 'fish' art!
Hang in there with the chiropractor.
It takes time to fix backs. Believe me! It took me 3 visits per week for a couple of months-several years ago,
to get through a BAD back. But fortunately my back is good now and I didnt' have to have surgery (which is what a neurosurgeon recommended). I decided to handle it with the chiropractor and it WORKED! So take it easy and keep your appts. Try not to push yourself too much.
Marsha, do you ever sell your work in ATC/ACEO size?
I think that's Janet Leigh! It's just lovely work!
I had to laugh when I read the quote - I've used it SEVERAL times over the years with my kids!!!! **LOL** Your piece is gorgeous! My, my, my - I'm sensing another new "art" direction, and it looks great!
LOVE the piece that Cathy made for you. She's an amazing artist and, better yet, a fabulous person! Hugs, Terri xoxo
PS - Glad you're feelin' better!
Oh...oh...oh! I love your newest creation. I mean, I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Just LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Muse with an attitude! I think I know her! oxoxoxox Zinnia
Gorgeous Marsha!
So glad you're feeling better. Back pain is miserable. Again, this piece is amazing. I love all of the color in it! A wonderful bright spot for a dreary October morning. - Kathy
I just love this new collage...every time I think I have a favorite piece of yours, you make another and I have a new favorite !!!
Glad you are feeling better.
Love the new blog banner too :)
I love musi-tude, and I've learned not to argue with my muse, so this piece of art spoke to me! APPLAUSE!
Marsha, I just love your work, it is always so full of fresh ideas. How do you do it?
I sit and watch your new art piece and I love it so much ! So many things to see and the bright colors, so beautiful!
What a great artwork again! Love your muse! So wonderful, Marsha! Have a nice weekend! :-)
This is a very gorgeous creation!
Marsha, I got my b-e-a-utiful "Art Opens Wings" today! I just love it. The Colors, The Precision and Complexity of your Assemblage of the magical parts, oh my!! I am one happy girl. Thank you also for the "Portable" Muse,teehee, I love her expression, and the Dream Police. They can sweeten my dreams any time!! Now go buy some of the magical art supplies that are NOT SOLD IN STORES!! oh, and I saw and commented on the piece from Cathy you won. Isn't it just LOVELY!! I adore her work. xoxoSusan
I really love your style, the colors you use, you are an inspiration.
love your piece and the quote is so TRUE is that your quote? and the giftie is fabulous!
OK I am going to follow my muse today!!
My muse can be quite a stinker some days. Maybe she just needs to have some art dedicated to her. Yours must be very happy right now because that is gorgeous.
I wanted to let you know that I have a Best Blog award for you on my blog. Come by and check it out.
You continue to outdo yourself! I love your creativity!
Very clever doing a homage to your muse! Gotta keep her on side... Heading over to check out Cathy's work...that fabric piece looks wonderful...
love your work, it's fun and inspiring!
I love your muse-itude! She is AWESOME, the art piece and the actual muse, because you make such cool stuff! I don't think I've said before but it's really nice of you to share your art and processes and all that so often. I am more of a slacker blogger, blogging only when my muse smacks me upside of the head and says "blog THIS, or ELSE" haha
Hope your back continues to heal!
Hi Marsha,
Beautiful new piece and I love the attitude - dead on with the arms...they are just so hmmmm....adolescent!
Your newest creation is just stunning and your previous piece is amazing also! I always admire your attention to detail and composition.
Love really your work!
I've been sick too, so it's been a while since I visited you... but you're back on track girl! Love your muse!!!
absolutely gorgeous!
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