Her Majesty, the Honorable PostMistress Postitute, Zibelline

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 8/11/09. All rights reserved. You may NOT copy, download, or use this image in any way without my permission.
This is a 5 x 7 collage using a face from a friend, a body from my own vintage postcard, a crown from keeperofthenest.etsy.com, and boots from a found picture. These pieces were printed in black and white and hand trimmed and hand colored. The wings are from itkupilli.etsy.com. The character was then attached to a background made from merging textures from flickr's JoesSistah and 'Playingwithbrushes' with a stars and stripes background from itkupilli.etsy.com. One letter was scanned from my own vintage ephemera and one is from flickr's cindyiscrafty. Thank you image providers!
Now, I have other friend news I must share with you - someone's famous! I've written here, before, of my buddy, the witty, funny, talented Tace (real name Tracey Truly) whose blog I have been a long time fan of. To my knowledge and the last time I checked, Tace does not have a blog for her artwork but she has an exciting gorgeous website A Little Character. Her blog, All Kinds of Stuff, is full of contemporary Erma Bombeck-ish life is a bowl of cherries only better wit and humor and stories that entertain me more than I can tell you (like being in search of the perfect dish drainer, the saga of her trash containers, buying bottled sea water, etc.). But her artwork, oh, it is amazing. She is a doll sculptor/artist. She just got published for the first time (of many more to come I am sure) in Art Doll Quarterly with a beautifully written article and several of her dolls. You can find her on pages 46, 47, and 48 in the current Aug/Sept/Oct issue. (After her brother refused to, I promised to name my next born child "ADQ 46, 47, 48" just for her) In return, I got my own autographed copy, lucky me! (little does she know my husband got fixed several years ago - hope it holds) I am so thrilled and excited for her! So hop over and congratulate her! (here's the first page of the article)

Today is my Dad's 80th birthday! Here we are having a special lunch together (a FEW years ago) at a quaint little living room spot, using only the best plastic toy china eating hot dogs, peanut butter and jam sandwiches and drinking the finest KoolAid.

I've been busy the last couple of days - we put in new wood around our hot tub deck (and still have to pressure wash and waterproof it today and tomorrow), have laundry going, bills to pay, grocery shopping, and I have to, have to, have to finish three pieces to send to the Alumni exhibition I have been whining about. So, I'm going to be scarce a few more days. Hope you have a great week!
Much as I love the ladies at my post office, I think I would be happier if they looked like your fairyfied friend!
Happy Birthday to your dad! 80 is quite a milestone and this year was certainly full of those! All the best to him:)
YOu did a fabulous job of honoring HER Majesty! She's lucky to have such a wonderfully talented and humorous friend.
Happy Birthday to your dad!
LOVE your art for the PINK project-simply beautiful!
there is a nasty lady in my local post office and I would gladly swap her for your lovely postie...
Hope your dad has/had a lovely day.
Oh, Marsha, I'm sure the lovely Zibelline will treasure your fairyfication!! It's truly priceless. You are so generous with your talent!
Awwwwwwwww(prepare for this to be the longest aww you ever did read)wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww(seriously, it's really long huh?)wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww(almost done)wwwwwwwwww! You are too kind! Thank-you for the ADQ magazine love! Though I didn't realize there was absolutely no chance you'd be naming a future child ADQ 46, 47, 48. Perhaps you could just gently insert that into already existing family names. Like "hello husband dear ADQ 46, 47, 48" see how that just rolls off the tongue? Like butttttttter! Anyways thanks for the mag love! I swear woman you need a cheerleader costume cause you're the most energetic, positive, cheering section any net based friend could ask for. :D
Another awesome fariy-ficationalizing job too by the way. That name "Postitute" cracked me up. Also happpppppy fabbbbulous 80th birthday to your dad! Hope he gets ice cream!
Your father is precious! I love this photo so much! Happy Birthday to your Dad. oxoxoxox
Love the text on this piece.
What a cool dad!
Here's to great creating in the next couple of days!!!
Your Friend in ART,
coolest Daddy ever, oh how lucky to have a snapshot of this priceless moment! Happy Birthday Kool-Aide Daddy! I wish I could sit with you and have a Tea Party!
Happy birthday to your Dad, I'm glad he is well enough to enjoy his day. I love the photo of you and him at your "special lunch". I"m getting ready to start my "Monday" on Wednesday. Thanks for showing the great collages you have been busy creating. Have a great rest of the week.
What a priceless, wonderful photo! He reminds me so much of my dad and the silly little things he did for his daughter :) Happy Birthday to him and many more to come!
What a wonderful blog post !! Your tribute to your friend Sue is STELLAR and she is one lucky gal to have a friend such as yourself !!! And you are so kind to promote your other friend's successes.
The photo of you and your dad pulled at my heartstrings. I could almost have replaced you two for me and my dad as we have photos such as this together...he was the best. I lost him 5 years ago and still miss him every day. Happy, happy Birthday to your wonderful dad and he's blessed to have such a remarkable daughter !!
Thank you for your kindness at my blog. Me ?? inspire you ?? honey, it's the other way around !!! You have such a gift for collage it is an inspiration to everyone !!! But thanks for your words...they really made me smile :)
Marsha...I ABSOLUTELY love your work!! I found you through Crowabout. I am a jewelry designer, and have just started trying my hand at ATC's and some mixed media. It is harder than I thought, but I am having fun with it. Thank you for your sweet comment on my crowabout collage...
Your work is amazing and inspiring, and I look forward to visiting often!! BTW, I just contacted Monica to see if she would take one of my jewelry pieces as a donation for the Pink Artists, thanks for sharing that! Since joining the blog in Feb, everyone has been sooo giving and nice, it's been incredible. I would also like to give back . Again, thanks for your kindness!
You sure have some coooool friends, Miss Marsha ! Must be a case of take's one to know one ! ;)
Love your Zibelline Postitute all done up !
Happy Birthday, Marsha's Dad ! Congrats to Tace !
Enjoy the`have-to's !
Hugs !
Love the artwork! The photo is precious. I love that he spent time playing with you. Very special times, I'm sure.
Love the Zibelline Postitute piece Marsha; big birthday hugs to your dad!!!
hehe ... postitute ... hehe
nice Fairifisation. :)
i'm not 100% certain, but I think I've had lunch at that living room spot (or one very much like it).
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