Hey, while I debated tacos, I was told that this piece conveniently fits with the Three Muses "wings on things" challenge this week so, yay! Finally I get to play with these lovely ladies!

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 8/18/09. All rights reserved. You may NOT copy, download, or use this image in any way without my permission.
This is a 5 x 7 collage using a face from flickr's Suzee Que, a body from flickr's takeabreak, yellow wings from Itkupilli.etsy.com, crown from keeperofthenest.etsy.com, and bird from lisasalteredart.etsy.com. All but the wings were hand colored after reprinting and hand trimming. The black and white checked frame was pieced together from a piece from a collage sheet from Crowabout.etsy.com. The other border pieces were made from scans of my own vintage ephemera. Everything was placed on a main background using a texture from flickr's JoesSistah and my own cloud texture.
(close up view)

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 8/18/09. All rights reserved. You may NOT copy, download, or use this image in any way without my permission.
(in mat)

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 8/18/09. All rights reserved. You may NOT copy, download, or use this image in any way without my permission.
I want to tell you some exciting things. Many of you know that Nancy Baumiller is pretty darn near one of my main idols, though I have many, many idols I suppose. She is very generous with her flickr Collage Play with Crowabout group and all of the images she provides us for those challenges. (You can join the group if you like, just flickr mail Nancy) Many months ago, she sent me some collage sheets to test and I have been using pieces since then and urging her to sell them. Nancy has finally started putting her sheets on Etsy and you must go check them out at Crowabout.etsy.com. There are countless examples of how they can be used in the Collage Play group, but honestly, in my opinion, it's time to send some business her way and grab up those sheets for sale. (I used one of her pieces to make the checked border in the piece above) Nancy also has a new online class starting soon and you can read more about that here. I'm signed up and very excited about it (it's my first ever class in over 20 years!)
Speaking of collage sheets. I am postponing mine awhile. There are just so many great places selling great sheets right now, I'm not sure I have much different to offer that I am willing to share yet. I'm going to think about it some more and take my time putting them together. The border elements in the piece above are the first of my scanned ephemera borders but I have thousands of pieces of ephemera to go through and make borders from.
I've been getting lots of emails lately about how I do what I do, especially the hand coloring. I think I've gotten 8 in the last week. While I am very surprised and very flattered, I realize in trying to answer people that I don't have much to tell you. My hand coloring is a bit of a secret recipe and a process that fails almost as often as it works. Until I am a bit more established as an artist and find a more conistent process, I'd rather not reveal the process yet. It takes a delicate touch and a lot of patience. In fact, in the last two pieces on this blog, I made numerous attempts to get it right without blotches or streaks or lifting the ink from the printer, so it might just frustrate people anyway. I do appreciate the inquiries though, and someday I promise to share. I don't think most of you would want to know anyway. I was reading someone's blog last night (Michele at The Cat's Pajamas) and they made 6 collages in one day! And the one I saw was gorgeous! I had a good big laugh because that little collage of mine on this post, took me nearly 8 hours from start to finish! If I make 6 a week I'd be very lucky. So, there's not alot of production going on here and no quick easy tips. I know, I'm so disappointing!
I made blog visits yesterday and am going to try very hard to keep up this week! So, I'll be by soon! Thanks for your visit!
You know what I think, but I'll tell you anyway.....YOU ROCK!! Your piece posted today is SUPERB! Faith is one of my all time favorite words!
I'm almost speechless when it comes to your work.....
Thank you for the wonderful comment on my piece and blog today....it really means a lot to me coming from you!! I shot you an email this morning, I promise, no secret questions, but I do have to ask 1 or 2 silly stupid embarressing questions!
This is just lovely! I love the saying, colors, everything.
yapping cat
I love the orange and teal. What a great combination. The piece is beautiful, and superb for the theme "wings"! Vunderbar!
You really can't ever go wrong with Tacos. Really questioning the possibility of NOT having tacos is the only thing even remotely related to wrong....haha
Add me to the fan club of people lovvvving this piece! Those colors rock!!! In fact I am always drooling over a sign near our road that is a similarly related blue-y greeny colour with a big orange monarch butterfly on it. I am always saying to Alan, "You never see those colours together, but they're awesome!"
I'm feeling rebellious today so I'm leaving the "u" in colour, dang spell checker is so obviously not Canadian. ;)
Wow! An amazing piece of art. The colours are beyond stunning, the composition superb and the overall impact just sensational. I hope you are going to link it to the Three Muses challenge this week!
Marsha, is there ever a wrong time to have tacos? I think not. :) And your new piece is amazing. I love these colors! But then, I realize I say that about every single daggone one of your collages! I think that makes you Uber Amazing Collage Woman (UACW for short). Wonderful job, UACW!!! xoxoxo Pam
gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!
Marsha! I know just what you mean about how long things take. I see all these clever people bashing out amazing digital art for the challenges, in what seems like the blink of an eye but it takes me days to do just one image. I was just the same when I did "real"collages, spending hours deliberating where an element should go and then checking it in the bin!
This is a gorgeous Wings collage and I'll check your advice and check Nancy out x
Fantastic Marsha- perfect for the three muses challenge- thanks for your lovely comments and what a wonderful story you shared!!
First of all tacos sound great!
Second, I love the piece. The border, is just awesome and the saying is wonderful, I really believe it! I love the background too, it's very luminous! Reminds me of a sunset.
Okay and third, you crack me up! I really was laughing out loud while reading your comment on my blog. Oh and thanks for the extra compliment in your post. I'm blushing. :)
It's funny how everyone works so differently. I love to work fast. I listen to music and let the paint and paper fly. It's rare if I sit down and do anything really detailed, I think I'm a bit impatient. :)
Though I have to admit 6 collages in a day is a lot even for me! I was just on a major role that day. Most of the time it takes 2-3 days to finish one.
Thanks again for the laugh.
Oh btw I am one of those peeps that would really be interested in how you hand color your pieces. I've often wondered, how you make everything look so perfect.
Ms.Tumblefish, I hope you went for the tacos, we're having fresh pizza style sourdough bread stuff here, nummity num num! I commented back to your comment on my blog post! There should be a short hand way of saying that, knowing the internet there probably already is but I'm too lazy to google. So I'll make one up on the spot, "I commented on your comment on my blog post" can now be shortened to ICOYCOMBP, which...wow...actually sort of makes a word....I may be the next new acronym hotshot rising star...sweet.
This is just plain awesome. Awesome, I say. :) And tacos are good for every night of the week - so you go, girl. Tacos, pajamas and good art. :)
OMG this is outstanding.
Absolutely brilliant. So very inspiring work. Love them.
Wow, wow and wow!!!!!!! You make such great art! The colors in this piece is just stunning! LOVE IT!!!!
Have a creative day!
Hugs Hanne
Simply superb - I love all your work and I do hope you decide to do some collage sheets sometime.
Ali xx
Marsha, I love your newest artwork - she is so 1920's chic - love it!
Marsha - she's absolutely delightful! So full of colour and whimsy!
On a different tack, I don't think you're disappointing at all... it takes time and lots of patience to develop these skills. I plug away at digital art because I'm not great at it, but want to improve. I think what you do is magical - rock on! Everyone has some secret way of doing something and it's no sin to keep that private. =))
Tacos definately! Hope you had tacos...they rock as so do you darlin! This piece is AAAAAAmmmmmaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzing! Hmmm fish tacos...now there is a novel idea for an art piece! hehehehehe Thank you for the wonderful mention...blushing here! You are the most lovely gal I know! Thank you dear! I do want/purchase some of your collage sheets even though I haven't seen them yet lol..they will be incredible!! You take your time dear...and also with how you create your pieces...it is not always easy to reveal tricks of the trade!! All I can say is take your sweet time..you will know when the time is right! ;O) Stay cool my friend! xoxo
Marsha I don't think I've ever been disappointed by anything you've made and this is no exception. It is truly superb.
Marsha, thanks for the acknowledgment and and award. I really appreciate it and the fact that you frequent my blog and leave such great comments. But I don't do awards and I guess I should leave a note to that affect on my blog I'll have to work on it. But thanks again I do appreciate it. Hope you had the Tacos. Lorrie
Marsha, thanks for the acknowledgment and and award. I really appreciate it and the fact that you frequent my blog and leave such great comments. But I don't do awards and I guess I should leave a note to that affect on my blog I'll have to work on it. But thanks again I do appreciate it. Hope you had the Tacos. Lorrie
Wonderful collage. It all works together perfectly.
How can I add to the kudos that everyone else has offered?!? Once again, another superb piece.
Regarding the collage sheets and the delay, now you've really whetted my desire for them! Hugs, Terri xoxo
PS A girl doesn't kiss and tell or reveal all on her wedding night! A few important "secrets" should be kept! LOL
Hope the Tacos were good. Can tacos ever be bad ?
Your work, your authenticity, your uniquely you styles, and your integrity make you a great artist and a great human being. You share so very much. You should be very proud of yourself, lovely Marsha!
Her wings are going to take her wonderful places...
Happy Wednesday !
What a beauty. Great piece!
Lovely piece, the colours are wonderful!
Absolutely FANTASTIC!!!!!
Thanks, Marsha, for your visit and comments!!! I'm so proud: you've included me in your list of blogs!!! Cool!!! :O)
Firstly, this is uber-gorgeous.
Secondly, I had to inner-chuckle when I read that you have been asked to describe your technique/process as far as the coloring goes. I had JUST been thinking, "I'd like to watch her work." :o)
So gorgeous. Wonderful colors.
Hi Marsha!! This 'Wings' piece is fabulous and I continue to adore your starry wings ;)
I recently purchased the book 'Image Transfer Workshop' (awesome book if you like doing transfers at all!!) and they mention a product by Krylon called Workable Fixatif. I got some and it 's really great for preventing unexpected blotches and/or bleeds, and still allows for further work/media on top of it. Have you tried this?
I may have to do some Zazzle shopping, I see some fun goodies over in that sidebar........
Hey, thanks for the mention and the lovely comments! I'm totally flattered that you like my work. :)
Always fun to come for a visit. Your use of color and your design are just so awesome...they speak to so many!!! The starry bird wings sure are extra sweet!
I totally understand why you get so many questions regarding your coloring method...because it ROCKS! I can't help but look at one of your pieces & think "How the heck does she do that??" The depth, the saturation of color, dealing with the smaller sizes of some collage pieces. I'd pay for a video of you with only music as the background to watch how you 'do that thing you do'. Simply Amazing....
Oh my Lord girl...look how many comments you have! You are being discovered and the sky's the limit!
ps you could also post this piece on the weekly challenge over at http://www.melangeonetsy.blogspot.com
Hello Marsha, as always i am totally stunned by your artwork. You have to be one of my most fave collage artists ever !! This is outstanding and i do love your colour work too :) I got your lovely package of ephemera today in the post and i was so thrilled. I have been having a rotten time health wise and this was just the job to cheer me up. Thank you so much my friend :)
I am kept busy with my new blog but will be back to flickr group when i have made something to post lol
Hugs June xxxx
This is Superb!! Love the images, the colours, your composition!! Everything!!! This is excellent work and soooo Well done!!!
Hly Mackerel you've got a great number of comments! I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled down to get mine in:)
Love this piece and as an owner of one of your gorgeous collages, I can attest to the amazing detail and preciseness and beauty of your work. One can tell it was not dashed off in a hurry!
I like the idea of Taco Tuesday. Is it a tradition in your house?
Marsha I LOVE this piece I do believe I can hear her speaking to me! Faith is something I have been trying to work on lately as much is needed in a few trials currently in my life.
Enough babbling! This piece just does it for me it made me smile and brought a bit of brightness to my day. Thank you! I love you work SWOON SWOON and I think you should keep your technique a secret it is who you are it defines the very essence of your work!
Now for that sweet comment you look to young to be a grandmother! WOO HOO you made my day can you hear me giggling from here! My bones are creaking though as I laugh I hope you can't here that!
Sending you hug!!!!!
Love, love, love this piece! Beautiful!
I'm thinking you opted for tacos. :)
I really do love the way you layer your elements and all the little details of your pieces. I doubt I will ever tire of seeing a new one. this one sings.
wishing you a wonderful first class in over 20 years. :)
Hey Miss Marsha, I just got a chance to visit for the first time this week and I LOVE her! I think she is my very favorite (so far!!) See ya next next!! Love ya!!
Hi Kimmmie! Does this mean a blog is starting somewhere? I hope so! Yay!
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