copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 8/5/09. All rights reserved. You may not copy, download, or use any part of this image without my permission.
This is a 5 x 7 collage using a face from June's Art Freebies, a partial body from the Library of Congress, legs from my own vintage postcard and boots and skirt scanned from found pictures. The wings are from itkupilli.etsy.com and the crown is from keeperofthenest.etsy.com. All of these pieces were reprinted, hand trimmed and hand colored with ink and pastel. The background box is made from a texture from flickr's JoesSistah and some lines I made myself.
Sensational! The face resembles Princess Anne (is that so?) or maybe a young QE2. The background is stunning and the image is a sheer joy to gaze upon. Standing ovation!
I love both of your queenies.
They must be from the house of windsor. They look like the young prince Charles. LOL
Very good
This one is fantastic, too! And I agree about the face looking like Princess Anne. :) This one is nice because you've got that orangeness popping off of the purple, very royal (purple and gold). But I love the other one, too! SOOOOOOO helpful. LOL! xox Pam
I've always thought purple/violet held mystical powers!! They are both beautiful!
This Queenie is wonderful - I prefer the darker purples, they match her "petulant" kind of mood. I love the arm position with this face. It reminds me of those moody days where you wish you could stamp your feet and say "NO!" and get away with it ! ;)
Love them both, Marsha. However, I prefer the 2nd version because of the contrasting, complimentary colored background. Makes the purple really "pop"!
BTW - I DID keep my promise and sent a piece last month. A bit scary, but exciting! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Yes! And Terri took the words right out of my mouth! :O) Big applause!! xoxo
I love this Marsha! I like this one the best:) I am not feeling the aubergine either. All I can think of is "Steel Magnolias" when Clarie Bletcher is the radio 'color' commentator for the high school football team!
"But I love the top - such a vibrant purple. Bob, would you call this color "grape" or "aubergine'?" and then Ouiser says, "Shut up!"
I just start giggling and get no where:) Love, Jamie
I can see you will be having lots of fun with this one... she is great!!!
For someone who's muse is supposed to be missing, tbis is pretty darned inspired! BUT, you've made a mistake! I'm absolutely convinced those are my granddaughter's legs! As usual, this is exceptional, Marsha!
I love the combination! Gorgeous! Love the colors very much. oxoxoxox
i think she's great.... great face, great body. just wonderful expression overall!
I really liked the previous background ... kind of liked the monotone quality of it ... but, I have to say that I love this background quite a lot.
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