Pretty in Pink

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 8/8/09. All rights reserved. You may NOT copy, download, or use any part of this image without my permission.
This is a 5 x 7 collage using a face from flickr's Suzee Que, a body from, feet from, wings from, flowers from, and a small butterfly from Dover clipart. All of these pieces were reprinted, hand trimmed and hand colored with ink and pastels. The words were created by me and all was attached to a background made from a texture from flickr's JoesSistah.
(here it is the mat in will come in)

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 8/8/09. All rights reserved. You may NOT copy, download, or use any part of this image without my permission.

Okay, so my Pretty in Pink piece is being donated to the project. You could win this piece by donating to the drawing. Here are details lifted from Monica's blog
How to give: Monetary donations will be accepted starting July 31st up until October 15, which is the OFFICIAL day of the drawing. The month of October is as you know Breast Cancer Awareness month. Together we'll make this a fun & rewarding way to HELP others. Donations being accepted are money orders made out to Susan G. Komen and mailed to Monica Magness PO Box 2206 Madison, AL 35758 where your name will be entered into our drawing & donations will be collected and sent in to our charity on Oct. 22nd. Sorry, no personal checks. Cash sent at your own risk. Or you can paypal your donation to with the subject header: THE PINK ARTIST DRAWING and your name will go into our drawing and ALL funds will be forwarded to our charity. Please note that paypal takes a fee to operate, be sure to take this into consideration when making your donation. Please make sure your name and address are legible (typed is best for accuracy). Though ANY donation amount is cheerfully accepted, for every $10 donation you send in your name will be entered into our drawing twice. A PAYPAL button will be available on this blog starting July 31st.
Post our group button to your blog or site: You can help us spread the word by posting our group button to the sidebar of your blog, in a blog post and/or on your website with a link back to this post. Our button should show up as a clickable image bringing the viewer back to our drawing details. If it does not, please manually type in this blog post link address. Thank you!
Pass Out Our Flyer: Digi Queen, Rebecca Laslie has graciously created a printable flyer for us to print out on our home computers so that we can pass the news on to friends, family, coworkers & neighbors. Share the news~ our flyer prints out beautifully in color AND in black & white! (you can click on it to see it larger in its flickr home)
Great Pink collage Marsha. It is a good thing she has wings her feet are so small....Love it. And what a wonderful cause. Hugs, Diane
Beautiful in Pink, and in giving, Miss Marsha ! Bravo !
holy smokes! check you out!! tiny little glimmer, a thought ... and then ZOWIE! There you are!! I don't think you could have created a more perfect pink contribution ... would I sound like a total goober if I told you that you've made my heart smile with your action? you have. thank you. YOU are helping to make a difference. :)
i love the pink candy indeed!!! thank you
Marsha - she is a vision of loveliness! Such a good cause, and what a good heart you have! xox Pam
Beautiful work for a great cause Marsha. I'm home now and just trying to catch up with everything and everyone. It'll take a few days to get up to speed x
When we give it just comes right back at us, it is that natural flow of life and how it is supposed to be in a healthy world . In life sometimes we need to be the giver and other times we will need to be given to. I am grateful that so many people I know understand this theory. Thanks for the post it is a good reminder, Oh and I just read from Becky's Blog at " heart in hand" about the art thief. I am sooo sorry. Oh and another thing too my life has been a bit off kilter and I found out I missed you when you passed through SF. Was that on the trip back from being with your Dad? how is he doing? hugs Julie
LOVE the tippy-toes. Adorable!
Beautiful! May you be blessed with instant karma for your good deed!
beautiful piece for the drawing....
I have some happy awards for you at my blog :)
your post always have so many interesting things in them...
Love the pink collage...
I loooove it! She's gorgeous.
weeeeeeeeeeee I just feel so happy when I come here! Just adore your yummy colors and sense of humor,loved your aubergine queens! Enjoyed you in the magazines also,such style!
What a beautiful collage. I love the whole geisha thing going on, and the colors, so delicious!
Beautiful; love this collage! Wonderful contribution to a most-worthy cause :-)
Another Huge Winner !!!!
I love the Beautiful "PINK".
Your amazing, Marsha.
Hugs, Laura.
How fantastic for everyone that you are in the Pink Artist Prize Wheel Marsha = yippe yeah!!!
It's such a wonderful cause, I am always moved and inspired when I come to visit you!
oxo ~*~ Patty
Thanks for the connection, Tumblefish.....3 cheers for the crafting community!Since I"m not engaged with crafts at all , I wasn't aware of this event/endeavor...thanks for catching my eye with your BIG PRINT!Will put the button on my blog for any who wander by under a button I have for art donations for Autism Now...thanks again!
Hi Marsha.. just wanted to stop in to say we have a winner for your BEAUTIFUL art piece- Miss Kathy Nida! I'll mail her winnings out on Monday. Have an awesome weekend and thanks again for helping us raise FUNds for SGK! xo, monica :)
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