Oct 27, 2008

Wouldn't everything be better . . .

. . . if we all drove around in cars like this? And it was always sunny and warm . . . And there were no bugs to swallow or get in your eye.

Ah, well, even that would get old and monotonous sometime. Sunny and warm gets old here in southern CA when you grew up with all four seasons. You need some salt and sour now and then to make the sweet taste good.

Anyway, saw this while crossing the street in Las Vegas (and putting my life in danger - Nevada drivers are worse than California drivers I would argue). Had a lovely time but losing money gets old after about 24 hours and you realize you are probably just not one of those other people you hear hootin' and a hollerin' after they struck it rich on the machine where you just left 2 hours of your life you'll never get back and $20 (or more). Pennies can take a long time to lose but can add up fast for the optimist that keeps foolishly believing things have to turn around some time for you - of course, the true optimist would never play a slot machine. They would believe the money would fall into their lap without such a ridiculous waste of time.

So, I'm back and even poorer, but happy to be home. Laid in bed with a severe migraine most of today and now feel as if my head was squashed like the pumpkin I saw on the street. But tomorrow will be better and I will get back to work. I've missed everybody - have lots of email and blogs to catch up on!


Jill said...

Nah...I'll stick with my Charger! :)

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Well, you're young, attractive, artistic, AND you have a Charger! I have an F-150 and that little cute cartoon car is lookin' mighty good to this old lady!

Tumble Fish Studio said...

p.s. And employed!