Feb 4, 2009

Some trips for you to take & miscellanea

You know how one link takes you to another link to another. Well from visiting people that have visited me and then sometimes visiting those that visited them I find myself visiting a lot of places. Here are a few things you should see if you haven't already . . . (I didn't post any pix since I don't have permission to do so - just trust me!)
  • I found a couple of great links that I'll share in a minute from Penny Raile who found me and then I found her incredible work on flickr. She creates beautiful drawings and very unique digital collages that you will love looking at. Please visit her lovely blog. I have already linked her in my links on the right so I can return many times. Through her blog I was taken on many wonderful side trips.
  • One you should take would include a visit to The Thieving Magpie. There you will see the most magical sculpturesque furniture pieces, mostly enchanting giant sized clocks, that you have ever seen. Be sure to visit the gallery. Click on the pictures to see them larger and please take note of the tops of these pieces. I just absolutely love them. If I could interpret through collage what Richard Dunbrack does in these pieces, I would be so happy. You may seem some evidence of my inspiration from these works in my future pieces! And, if I ever work up the courage to assemble some 3 dimensional pieces, it will be in a style very similar I hope.
  • Another little trip I took from Penny's site left me here at Original Talley, another great furniture artist. I have told my husband that if I win the lottery I want to build a house just like some of the ones you can see in Toon Town at Disneyland. Furniture from both this artist, Dale Talley, and Richard Dunbrack would fit right in! They would furnish my dream house. In fact, some of Dale's pieces have been used in dream houses on Extreme Home Makeover.
So, I am anxious today. Thanks for all of the good vibes, thoughts, and prayers. Today I find out when I am flying. Of course I am more worried about my dad than me flying, but I wish I could snap my fingers and get there and it would take some of the stress of the situation away. I am already trying to imagine myself drawing in a journal on the plane since I cannot take scissors! I need a sketchbook. I wonder if they have some with framed pages. I have found that having a frame to work in helps the blank page not seem so gigantic and intimidating. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:


I will keep your dad (and the possibility of you flying) in my prayers. Everything will be fine.

I hope your son is feeling better!!