
copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 2.1.09
3 3/4 x 5 1/2 collage using images from lisasalteredart.etsy.com, wings from Butterfly Utopia and fish from Dover on a double layered watercolored background with scrap trim and ribbon.
Here's the exciting part of the day - excitement I could do without. It involves a trip to the ER. I woke up this morning to my 17 year old son still vomiting. This has gone on since Thursday and yesterday and Friday his head and neck really hurt. So, finally I gave into my worry about dehydration and it finally dawned on me that we should maybe make sure he doesn't have meningitis, so we called the doc. She sent us to ER without any discussion. Off he and I went (hubby was at a board meeting). We got in surprisingly quick and they immediately realized he was very dehydrated by taking blood pressure and pulse, so they started the first IV. They added something to the IV for nausea but it didn't take long before Shawn became very distressed, agitated, and anxious. I felt like we were about to be in an episode of House! I just knew something was very wrong by the way he was acting and looking, ran to tell the nurse and he and the ER doc came running back and it took them 2 seconds to confirm he was having an allergic reaction to the nausea medicine. They stopped that medicine, x-rayed his chest for some reason, took lots of blood, swabbed his throat, and knocked him out. Hubby showed up to relieve the distressed troops (me) right at this point, thank goodness. 4 hours later and another IV of fluids and they let us take him home. He didn't have the bad scary kind of meningitis, might have had the viral kind but they would have let it take its own course anyway so they didn't bother to confirm it. No strep or infection. We think he just needed his tanks filled up and he seems much better tonight.
On another note . . . my shoulder blade is really hurting. It's so weird. I am going to have to take a day or two off I think from making art and rest it. It burns beyond words as I cut things or work on collaging. I can type and blog, etc. But no art making for a day or two and maybe it will get better. I might start some re-vamp work on my blog and severely neglected website and just visit my buddies.
Oh Yikes yikes yikes! What a day for you and poor Shawn, how awful! I hope he is feeling better, and his worried parents too!!! I'll think good thoughts for a quicker recovery from his illness! :)
How scary for everyone. I am glad that things have sorted themselves out. Your son will be feeling a lot better now that he has been hydrated again. My mum was sick like that last week and I was forcing her to drink Gatorade and salty broths.
Shoulder...I have had "frozen" shoulders at different times and it is very painful.(rotator cuff) They do go away eventually with the help of physio.
Oh how scary!!! Poor sweetie! Both Shawn and you! I am so glad you took him in. It is so scary when our kids are sick. Rest that shoulder and tend to the boy. I love your new piece and their hats! Great beautiful work as usual girl. Love, Jamie
Phew...that is one scary day ! No wonder your shoulder hurts ! Collage and cutting yes, but the stress of being in Mama Tiger mode can't be helping. Take care of you and your boy, be gentle and easy and hopefully the stress level will ease on down soon !
Putting you on my good vibes, deep breath wave length...
What an awful day for Shawn and you! I've never had the "ER experience" with a loved one. But I also watch enough House to imagine how horrible it would be. That might be tension in your shoulder from all the stress that you're feeling. I hope you all feel better soon.
And yet, you STILL managed to create another beautiful collage! The colors are magnetic; the images, clever. I just love it!
Oh Wow! What a day you had! A sick child can really take it's toll on you mentally and physically. I know I have an 18 yr old daughter and we've been in the ER a couple of times in just the past year.
I really think your should blade pain is from tight muscles. I've been there too! With extremely tight,knotted muscles which pull and tug on the vertebrae and the shoulder blade. VERY UNCOMFORTABLE...
So take it easy for a while. An ice pack may be very helpful, follow up with heat. Relaxing and drinking some chamomile tea are all helpful. Sounds like you could use a day off!
Hope your son is all better & on the road to recovery now that he's rehydrated. Now you need to take care of that shoulder before it gets worse.
You have my permission to have a lazy day!
By the way, thanks so much for you kind words about my art. I'm trying to create more depth in the collages. Hopefully it's working.
Have a happy, relaxing day!
Heyyy, I love your work. Can't believe what you have done with the images from Lisa's Altered Arts (I'm a fan of her stuff too) - so imaginative. Just caught a glimpse of you on Flickr and followed you here! Kate
Oh Marsha, you poor thing!! Poor Shawn too!! He has certainly been through it and then to have a reaction to the nausea medicine to top it off!! I'm glad you took him when you did and he got hydrated again. So sorry about your shoulder too. Maybe if you rest like you said, it'll pass. I'm thinking of you all and hope ya all feel better soon! Hugs!! Shelly
My goodness that was some stressed out day you had Marsha. That burning in your shoulder sounds like the *bee stinging* I have there and other places caused by Myofascial Pain..goes along with the Fibro..Your dr may perscribe a wonderful massage..eheheh!!! Go for it...after the day you had you deserve it!!! Oh, I little Feesh too!!!
Really hope that Shawn is feeling better and YOU too! Sounds like you need a good rest. Speedy recovery to both of you!
Glad to hear your son is OK...meningitis would have been the first thing I thought of too (we mums always think the worst). I know that burning shoulder feeling only too well, it's so annoying especially when the juices are flowing and you just want to keep cutting and glueing. Love your latest piece, the amount of work you produce just amazes me!
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