Anyway, I may have to give up on this piece before it is done. I have no idea what I will do for a background. Backgrounds are my weakest and most dreaded part to work on in my pieces. I just cannot find a way of doing them that I am happy with. They may be colorful but they are boring and plain and empty. They hang me up constantly. So, you'll have to come back later to find out how this turns out.

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen. Please do not copy.
Shawn is doing fine. Stayed home one more day to rest. All is good.
this is looking very cool!
Sounds like rotator cuff stuff to me. Ouch, hard to work when you are in pain.
I just had to tell you that i adore your collages! So cool! You have great style :).
carrie the snippet girl
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