Well, the new blog face isn't done yet but I'm too pooped to figure out the rest. It may still end up looking completely different in the next few days. Many, many thanks to the gals at The Cutest Blog on the Block for their tutorials in how to make your own background and how to set up the html for a 3 column layout. Now that I finally figured out the 3 columns, I may redesign everything.
Just curious . . . can you see the turquoise on the sides of the blog? I have a 17" monitor and I always think some folks can't see what I see. Do you see the orange stripes on the sides? Do you see the naked man in the background? Just kidding, there's no naked man in the background.
I actually finished visiting all the blogs in my links list this week! Yay! What a wonderful day I had visiting. More about that later. I'm off to bed!
Hi honey, Congrats on the three columner..I can't see the sides here...but I think if I squint my eyes I can definitely see the naked man!
Hi Marsha! I can see an orange stripe, then a checkered border (not exactly blue, looks more gray and black). And dang it, no naked men!! You are so much more energetic than I am - I just went with the default Blogger background. LOL!!! Thanks for the visit, sweetie! xox Pam
Nope - no turquoise or checkered sides - only an orange stripe - and, ratz, no "eye candy"! The new layout looks great so far. I'm too chicken to change mine. LOL! Thanks so much for your visit; it was good to hear from you! Love & Hugs, Terri xoxo
Yes, I see the orange stripe, then the checked (although that's very dark) and then the turquoise....lookin' good so far. I really do like the idea of 3 column...maybe I'll get brave sometime and try it :)
orange then checked only for me...
No sides here either. Can we chose which naked man we want to see ? ;)
Changing the blog is a lot of work isn't it ? David asked if I felt like changing things up on mine and I decided to wait until the depths of winter when I need to play with bright colors to do it.
It was so good to have a sweet visit from you ! Still feeling the love the next day ! Thanks again !
I love the new look, but is it necessary to have the nude photo of Winston Churchill in the background?
Well...no turquoise here either. I can see the black/gray checks and orange though.
No naked man either.
Please be sure to let me know when he arrives!
I can only see the orange. and it is all good! but I am still looking for the Naked Man!
Naked man!!?? Where where hee hee Sorry girl don't see the turqoise only the checkered border and the orangey-red border...Might be my really small screen but not sure if that matters or not. hmmm.....but that banner is FABULOUS!!! I like your new look so far!! Good going! :O) xoxo
hi dear, i'm on a macbook and i see no stripes....naked wha......???????
ooo sorry had to stop for the naked guy....yeeeshh...oh, and your new topper (i need a new word for that now) is really grand!!
Hi Marsha, I stopped by to look at the naked guy..I squented my eyes really hard and still nothing. No turq sides either...But you are off to a good start and you are making me feel like I need a face lift. Big Hugs, Diane
I like the new layout, but I don't see any colors in the background. Just solid white. The 3 columns are there though and they look good.
btw thanks for visiting me the other day, and leaving such a wonderfully nice comment. It really made my day, and just at a time when I was feeling super inadequate as an artist too! You and your art are just wonderful!!
nice, i just added many fresh emo backgrounds to my blog
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